7 reasons to join the ICONOMI ICO

Tim M. Zagar
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2016

Since the start of the ICO there has been a lot of discussion on various forums and with the media about why should you join ICONOMI. Here are the best 7 answers to that question:

  1. The global financial system is the world’s most powerful industry, yet it remains undisrupted. With the rise of APP tokens. Augur, Siacoin, Steem, StorJ… the trading of really innovative concepts will no longer happen on stock exchanges, but somewhere else. The moment for the disruption of the financial industry is here.
  2. ICONOMI is the first fund management platform for the decentralised economy. The first ones always have the advantage over the followers.
  3. ICONOMI is about disruption — the “uberisation” of fund management. We are pairing the business-model fundamentals of the crypto-world and the obvious trend of platform domination with new technological possibilities.
  4. During the first 88 hours of the ICO, ICONOMI reached half of the minimum initial capital needed. With this trend continuing, the project will surpass the minimum initial capital target. More initial capital means faster development, with more functionalities, new thinkers, and and a greater entrance barrier for potential competitors.
  5. More initial capital also means greater attraction to the project and greater probability of investment multiplication for investors.
  6. The first products will be available very quickly. Our timeline is ambitious — our journey started in Q1 2016, when we first began offering Ether and learning what clients are missing. In Q3 2016 we will finalise the required infrastructure and in Q4 2016 we will introduce the first two ICONOMI investment funds [Coin Funds Whitepaper].
  7. One of the funds will be the by invitation-only ICONOMI.PERFORMANCE fund. All ICO participants will get an invitation to participate.

ICONOMI = the new economy. Invest now!

P.S. You have another 2 days and 16 hours to join the ICO and get the additional 15% early-bird bonus.

