Become one of the first ICONOMI Digital Asset Array managers

Jani Valjavec
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2017

ICONOMI is the world’s first digital assets management platform, building a bridge between the old and the new economy, revolutionising the multibillion-dollar fund management industry, and creating new dimensions in traditional fund management. ICONOMI combines passionate visionaries with new possibilities and offers investors a golden opportunity to get into the crypto world by investing in DAAs managed by experts.

We are pleased to announce the opening of our Digital Assets Management Platform and welcome all applications from individuals interested in being among the first ICONOMI DAA managers. Becoming a DAA manager at the early stage will enable you to closely collaborate with the ICONOMI team, thus helping to shape the future of the platform and the world of Future Asset Management together.

All applications will be reviewed and top candidates contacted for individual discussion and assessment. Anyone is welcome to apply, but we are especially interested in applicants with previous experience in digital or traditional asset management. We will focus primarily on your proposed investment policy, portfolio structure, track record, and other related aspects of your proposal.

To apply, please fill out the application form.

The following information is required:

  • A short description of yourself
  • Asset management credentials and track record, if applicable (crypto or otherwise)
  • Your email
  • Proposed portfolio structure (identify tokens and weighting; please see the list of supported digital assets here)
  • Approximate seed amount you can provide ($100k minimum at this stage; personal or raised)
  • Proposed management or performance fee

We will be accepting applications until August 13. You can expect to hear from us by August 16. Please direct any additional questions to ICONOMI support at



Jani Valjavec

Developer, thinker, doer and predictor of the future. Always amazed by the new: New technologies, new places, new experiences.