ICONOMI ICO minimum initial capital reached — in just 6 days!

Tim M. Zagar
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2016

As stated in the ICONOMI ICO announcement, ICONOMI aimed to reach at least 2000 BTC initial capital, which is going to be used for technical infrastructure development, the start of two funds, and development of the platform.

The ICONOMI ICO started great! During the first 24 hours of the ICO, ICONOMI raised almost a quarter of its minimum capital target. ICONOMI ICO reached minimum initial capital of 2000 BTC (approximately 1 million USD) in only 6 days. The work on the ICONOMI Open Fund Management Platform and the disruption of the investment industry starts now.

More initial capital means faster development with more initial functionalities, and a greater entrance barrier to potential competitors. It also means greater attraction to the project and greater probability of investment multiplication for investors.

ICONOMI was founded based on the needs of investors who desire higher returns than they can get in the “old economy”, but do not have the knowledge or time to monitor all the developments in the crypto-world. In 2016 more than 250 mio USD was raised for projects in the distributed economy. Because of ICONOMI’s disruptive potential we expect to attract more investment — therefore there is no upper limit.

