ICONOMI ICO token share calculation finalised

Jani Valjavec
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016

The final number of ICN tokens is now available in investors’ accounts.

Days before the planned ICN token launch, we finally closed all the pending fiat wires on Friday 7 October. This included a few transactions that arrived in time but without the account ID to credit them to. After a lot of manual matching of the received wires with your transaction confirmations, we rejected 4 late payments, which have been already returned.

As described in the token share calculation blog, we have now completed the recalculation of investments. ICONOMI collected investments in 5 currencies: 3 cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ether, Lisk) and 2 fiat currencies (EUR, USD).

To finalise your share of ICN tokens, the 85 million ICN tokens needed to be redistributed based on the amount of funds raised. USD was used as a common denominator. In order to prevent the manipulation of exchange rates and token shares, the weighted average exchange rate of each cryptocurrency from the last 72 hours of our ICO was used. The conversion exchange rate for EUR was obtained from the European Central Bank. For the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies, data from CoinMarketCap was used. In the case that a person had invested in cryptocurrency as well as in fiat currency, both methods were used and ICN token share was combined.

Weighted average exchange rates (in USD):

1 BTC = 605.893 USD

1 ETH = 13.1603 USD

1 LSK = 0.238828 USD

1 EUR = 1.1222 USD

Raised amounts of all 5 currencies:

6901.458586 BTC (7283.998181 BTC including bonuses)

199206.8297 ETH (211096.853 ETH including bonuses)

3995994.698 LSK (4193780.507 LSK including bonuses)

2496470.96 EUR (2666768.72 EUR including bonuses)

123454.2 USD (134028.33 USD including bonuses)

TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED (official number):

10,682,516.42 USD

(11,319,689.82 USD including bonuses)

The amounts of ICN tokens are final. For your final ICN balance, log into https://ico.iconomi.net



Jani Valjavec

Developer, thinker, doer and predictor of the future. Always amazed by the new: New technologies, new places, new experiences.