ICONOMI.INDEX — the first cryptocurrency index investment fund

Jaka Mele
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2016

Dear investors, as promised, we are today pre-announcing the ICONOMI.INDEX — the first cryptocurrency index investment fund.

As you can imagine, the establishment of an investment fund requires meticulous planning and sufficient time. We want to keep you informed through all stages of the process — in this update we are presenting the fundamental part of any index investment fund — the index itself.

Today we are unveiling the ICONOMI Cryptocurrencies Index (ICNX) that will be the basis for the ICONOMI.INDEX investment fund. Please note that we are still fine-tuning the ICNX, therefore some changes are likely to occur.

Already available on our website are:

  • the complete list and quantities of cryptocurrencies that are currently included in the ICNX;
  • the simulated history of the ICNX (from July 1 2016 onwards).

In the following days we will be introducing additional information, starting with the methodology of the ICNX.

We invite you to be a part of the ICNX and the ICONOMI.INDEX fund, and are looking forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.

Additional information is available on our website: https://ico.iconomi.net/.

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Jaka Mele
ICONOMI corporate communications
E-mail: jaka@iconomi.net
Whatsapp/Viber: +386 41 39 2222



Jaka Mele

In the decentralized, trust-less, digital assets we trust.