ICONOMI Monthly Update — November 2017

Ervin K. Ursic
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2017

Welcome to the last monthly update of 2017. It has been another eventful month of progress, in both numbers and milestones. This month we shared insights from four established DAA managers, introduced three new DAA managers, and added several new features to the platform.

ICONOMI is Growing

With the help of our newly added DAA managers and their DAAs, we are slowly approaching the $150M mark for assets under management.

There are currently 38,265 users on the ICONOMI platform from over 161 countries around the world.

DAA Insights

We are excited to announce that five DAAs have achieved monthly returns of more than 100% in the past 30 days.

Two of our top-performing DAAs have reached extraordinary monthly returns: 129.5% for COINBEST 1 (CBST), and 124% for CARUS-AR (CAR).

On December 12, Crush Crypto Core (CCC) reached $1M AUM after just over two months since its inception.

We are proud to welcome each new DAA manager and see the number of DAAs and management styles continuously increase. We now host DAA managers from 12 countries and will continue to add new ones.

New DAA Managers

Last week we introduced Elad Shtilerman’s Cornucopia Index (CRNC), Kristoffer Sheather’s Blockchain Infrastructure Index (BIF), and Michal Novák’s Ragnarok Crypto Asset Array (RCAA), three additional DAAs to help diversify your digital portfolio.

Every day we communicate with and collect data from our DAA managers, interpreting that data to better understand our DAA managers and ICONOMI users and make informed decisions. This is the key to building a successful digital asset management platform.

Parity Update

Parity has been working continuously to develop potential solutions for unlocking the funds frozen in Parity multi-sig wallets in November. Their proposed solution is to modify the Ethereum protocol to allow suicided contracts — contracts that have been destroyed by their owner — to be revived. This change would require a hard fork. Read Parity’s full statement for more details. We will keep you posted on any further developments.

New Features

We have added new statistics for tracking the performance of your DAA holdings: profit taken, current profit/loss, and all-time profit/loss. Log in to start tracking the performance of your digital portfolio in real time.

Ten New Digital Assets

Supporting new digital assets on our platform creates new possibilities for DAA structures and variety, both for users and for DAA managers. We have introduced a new blog post series to keep you up to date on new additions to our digital asset listings.

Community Updates and Initiatives

In November we solicited suggestions for improving our communication strategy. We received over a hundred comments and suggestions, many of which we are now actively implementing.

Last month, we opened our first ICONOMI Weekly Discussion thread on Reddit. Check out our last Weekly Discussion, in which we received several suggestions for questions we’ll be using in future Insights interviews, here.

Blockchain Conferences

  • Ervin Ursic Kovac, COO, spoke at Moje Finance’s Dan mojih financ (Day of My Finances) conference on November 21.
  • On November 28, Tim M. Zagar, CEO, Jani Valjavec, CTO, and ICONOMI’s Matej Tomazin all attended Consensus: Invest.

ICONOMI in Media

  • Tim M. Zagar attended TechCrunch’s Disrupt Berlin conference on December 4, where he discussed how Europe and the developing world are using blockchain technology to bootstrap investment, technology, and finance. Read more here.
  • In an article published in Euromoney, Jani Valjavec commented: “Most investments for non specialists in crypto are centred on bitcoin, the most famous token, but there are already 1,300 digital assets and there will be many thousands more.”
  • On November 12, Hunain Naseer of Cryptovest shared his thoughts on ICONOMI’s development over the past month.

December Reddit AMA

Our next Reddit AMA will be held on Wednesday, December 20 at 5pm CEST. Our monthly AMAs give users the chance to get their questions answered directly by the ICONOMI team. Check out our last AMA here.

Thanks for making 2017 a great year for ICONOMI. With your continued support, we know 2018 will be even better.

Happy holidays, and have a great new year!

