Introducing New Financial Instruments for a Decentralised Economy

Tim M. Zagar
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2016


With the emergence of Ethereum and projects that are financing and issuing shares of their companies in the form of coins, it gets progressively harder to pick the right investments. By the end of the year we can expect at least 100 more platforms, projects and companies competing with existing internet businesses. By the end of 2017, the number of projects and companies will grow to over 1000. Detecting the right investments and even more important — not missing new investments at the early stages — will become difficult even for people within the community. For those outside the crypto world, it is virtually impossible to invest in this unfamiliar territory.

Nevertheless, more and more investors are thrilled about the possibilities that arise in the field and would gladly invest — if only there was an easier way to do so. In order to attract funds from people and investors outside of our circle i.e. bringing fresh capital to the decentralised economy, totally new financial instruments need to be offered to those outside of community. To those who lack the time and knowledge to pick individual investments, perform due diligences and keep their assets safe, but would invest if it was easy enough and safe.

Funds have proven to be successful in lowering the risks of volatile instruments (such as cryptocurrencies) and their low transaction costs lead to higher returns. In addition, funds provide constant liquidity, making redemption and subscription of money easy for the investor. And for those outside our community funds represent the only accessible way to invest in the new investment field.

ICONOMI will introduce two funds. The ICONOMI.INDEX FUND will reflect the development of a credible cryptocurrency market. It will be transparently managed and traded on major exchanges. The ICONOMI.INDEX fund will include several thoroughly-researched cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lisk, Steem and other major value tokens.

The ICONOMI.PERFORMANCE FUND will aim at high performance — multiplication of investment. It will be actively managed by a team of ICONOMI experts. Our team will scout for propitious early investment ICO opportunities (crowdfunded startup projects and companies).

If you have had anyone approach you lately with the question “what should I buy?” and you didn’t want or were not able to give them a definitive answer, ICONOMI FUNDS are the answer to this question. We believe they are a game-changer for the investment world since the old economy is not able to ensure rewards high enough to satisfy individual investors, but on the other hand, they know close to nothing of the crypto world and its investing possibilities. Iconomi´s aim is to change that.

