Official statement on the upcoming Bitcoin hard fork

Domen Skalar
Published in
1 min readJul 27, 2017

Many of our users will be aware of the impending Bitcoin hard fork on August 1, which may result in the creation of new bitcoin-based chains. As always, our top priority is the security of our users’ digital assets.

Eight hours before the hard fork, on July 31, 04:00 PM UTC, we will be suspending bitcoin deposits and withdrawals on the ICONOMI platform. Deposits and withdrawals will be re-enabled when we are certain there will be no security risks and we assess the networks as stable.

While ICONOMI has not taken an official position regarding the hard fork, all users with bitcoin in the ICONOMI platform will receive the full amount of potential bitcoin-based tokens they are entitled to. ICNX holders will receive potential bitcoin-based tokens in proportion to the full bitcoin token balance in the ICNX structure.

Users who require immediate access to their bitcoin-based tokens are advised to withdraw their bitcoin to an external wallet whose private keys they control.

Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages for any further updates.



Domen Skalar

Infrastructure Lead @iconominet, planning the infrastructure in such a way as to enhance its security, scalability, availability and robustness