Secure your ICONOMI ICO account with Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Domen Skalar
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2016

We are preparing everything for the launch of ICN tokens. At the moment we are still waiting for all the fiat investments to come through, therefore we have pinpointed the final release date of ICN tokens — Tuesday, October 11, 2016. Please note that if the current Ethereum network problems persist, this process might be delayed.

ICN tokens represent ownership of the ICONOMI platform, allowing their holders to receive dividends and vote on ICONOMI related issues. 85 million tokens will be divided among ICO participants depending on the total amount of assets raised.

Because we want to provide a reliable and secure environment for all ICONOMI ICO users, enabled Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is required. Furthermore, all investors who deposited 1000 EUR (or USD equivalent) or more in fiat currency will have to complete Know You Customer (KYC) identity verification.

If you wish to access your ICN tokens through your Ethereum Wallet, with your own private keys, please go to our blogpost “How to receive ICN tokens in your own Ethereum Wallet”.

If you are not tech savvy and are new to the crypto world, we strongly suggest you to leave your ICN tokens in the ICONOMI ICO wallet. We will provide you with all the necessary information on how to access/receive your ICN tokens later on.

NOTE: Withdrawal of ICN tokens will not be possible within first 36 hours after enabling 2FA. Therefore enable 2FA as soon as possible, especially if you plan to withdraw your ICN tokens on Tuesday.

PLEASE SECURE YOUR ICONOMI ACCOUNT WITH 2FA, following the instructions below.

NOTE: Please follow the instructions carefully. If you are still not completely sure what to do, please join our Telegram group or contact our support team and we will be more than happy to help you.

What is Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring you to sign in with something you know (ICONOMI password) and something you receive (a code sent to or generated by your phone).

Why use it?

  • It’s free and easy
  • It protects your account significantly better

How does 2FA work?

Once 2FA is enabled, ICONOMI will require a second security code each time you sign into your account. This security code is a 6 digit one-time password generated by an Authenticator App or sent via SMS to your mobile phone number.

For greater security, you will need to use your password in combination with ONE of the following methods:

a) TOTP Two Factor Authentication apps like Google Authenticator

NOTICE: A Time-based One-time password (TOTP) is a 6 digit one-time password generated by an Authenticator App on your smartphone. It is meant for a single use and it expires in 30 seconds. After that a new one is created.


b) SMS message (text message)

How to enable 2FA

Go to the ICONOMI ICO website and login to your account. Click on “Prepare your account to receive ICN tokens” at the top of the page.

Click on “Enable 2FA” to start the 2FA enabling process.


NOTICE: We have used the Google Authenticator application only to demonstrate the process.

1. Install the Google Authenticator application on your smartphone (iOS or Android).

2. Choose to Enable the Google Authenticator.


Find Two factor authentication in the Account menu and

click Enable Google Authenticatior.

3. Open the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone and point your phone at the QR code, which appears on your screen.


4. Find the 6 digit one-time verification code for ICONOMI ICO in the Google Authenticator.

5. Enter your verification code and click Enable 2FA.

6. Go to your Email to complete the 2FA.

7. Open the Email and click on the Activate 2FA to confirm your 2FA enabling.

8. Your account is now protected by 2FA.

9. You will be notified by another Email that you have successfully enabled 2FA for your ICONOMI account.

b) ENABLE 2FA USING SMS (text message)

  1. Choose to enable the SMS code.

2. Choose your country, enter your phone number and click Send SMS code.

3. You will receive a message containing a 6-digit code.

4. Enter the 6-digit code you received via SMS and click Enable.

5. Go to your Email to complete the 2FA.

6. Open the Email and click on the Activate 2FA to confirm your 2FA enabling.

7. Your account is now protected by 2FA.

8. You will be notified by another Email that you have successfully enabled 2FA for your ICONOMI account.

More to follow, stay tuned!



Domen Skalar

Infrastructure Lead @iconominet, planning the infrastructure in such a way as to enhance its security, scalability, availability and robustness