The ICONOMI Digest

4 min readJul 13, 2018


Welcome to the first ICONOMI Digest. This update series is a continuation of our Weekly Update series and will be published on a biweekly basis. Our new name was chosen by the ICONOMI community in a Twitter poll.

DAA Overview

On July 5, we published an overview of DAA performance in Q2. All three of the top DAAs outperformed bitcoin.

DAA Manager Interviews

The day after publishing our Q2 DAA performance overview, we released interviews with the managers of each of the top three DAAs. Cain Ransbottyn of Trade, Elad Shtilerman of Cornucopia Index, and Sven Van de Perre of Exponential Age Array had a lot to say about their management strategies, the crypto landscape in Q2, and many other topics.

50k Twitter Followers

To celebrate the 50k Twitter followers milestone, on Wednesday, July 18 we will randomly select 20 followers of the official ICONOMI Twitter account to receive ICONOMI branded hats.

ICONOMI is Hiring

As part of our efforts to expand our marketing department, we are hiring a marketing assistant. Apply here. You can always find open positions at ICONOMI on our jobs page.

Android Activity Page

The Android app now has an Activity section, enabling users to track their platform activity directly from the app. Download the latest version from the Play Store.

New DAA: Tactical Gains Array

Our first DAA from Italy, Tactical Gains Array (TGA), is live. TGA is “a diversified DAA composed of tokens that provide liquidity and high capitalization with the aim of ensuring stability and constant growth with a long-term perspective.”

Media Highlights

Bitcoin Pizza Day 2: How A Lightning Payment Made History, by Rachel Rose O’Leary and Bailey Reutzel, CoinDesk

“Like Hanyecz’s 2010 purchase, this most recent one may be only a small blip today, but its symbolic value could prove just as far-reaching. For one, it says much about bitcoin’s technical direction, and the recent debates over this roadmap.”

Meet Oasis Labs, the blockchain startup Silicon Valley is buzzing about, by Mike Orcutt, MIT Technology Review

“The system Oasis Labs hopes to launch next year will offer both [high-performance computing and foolproof confidentiality], Song says, by separating smart-contract execution from blockchain consensus. Using the platform, she says, it will be possible to do things like assure the confidentiality of sensitive health data while using it to train a machine-learning model.”

Sneak Peek

This Sunday, Janez Kravcar, ICONOMI Head of Legal, will be speaking on a panel at the CoinAgenda Europe event in Malta, where he will be discussing managing risk, reward, and regulation in blockchain.

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