How to use the Contribution Proposal System

Published in
8 min readDec 23, 2020

Hello ICONists and P-Reps,

Today we will explain to you how to use the Contribution Proposal System (CPS) for both ICONists and P-Reps. As a brief introduction, the CPS is a smart contract funded by block rewards with the purpose of using such funding to grow the value of the ICON Network. It will be managed by nodes on the ICON Network (“P-Reps”) that have voluntarily registered to manage it. Once a project proposal is accepted funds will be allocated for it from the Contribution Proposal Fund. Funds will be disbursed to the grant awardee in equal amounts at the end of each month, after Progress Report approval, for the project duration.

ICONist Perspective

Logging In

  1. On the CPS landing page, click “LOGIN” in the top right corner then select your wallet

2. After logging in, click on ‘Go To Console’ to go to the console.

3. You will see a dashboard with helpful statistics and tracking information for your active and pending proposals as well as the disbursement, period, and the time remaining for the period. Also, you will be able to see all of your proposals.

Submitting a Proposal

Note: Proposals can only be submitted in the Application Period

  1. Click on the ‘Proposals’ tab in the Sidebar

2. Click on ‘Create New Proposal’

3. You will be redirected to the proposal creation page as shown. You will need to enter the following information-

  • Project Name- A suitable name for the project
  • Category- The category the project falls into (Development, Infrastructure, Community Activities or Others)
  • Project Duration- The expected time (in months) to complete the project (can be up to 6 months)
  • Total Budget- The expected budget for the project.
  • Sponsor Prep- The Prep Sponsor for the project
  • Description- A detailed description of the project
  • Milestones — Milestone for the project
  • Team Name- Project Team Name
  • Team Email- Email of the Team
  • Team Size- Size of the Team

4. You can add a milestone by clicking on ‘Add Milestone’

5. You need to submit the following information to create a milestone

  • Milestone Name
  • Duration (in months)

Note that Milestones are currently used as a flexible guide for progress evaluation. They are not strictly tied to the monthly Progress Reports. Feel free to define Milestones that make sense according to the planned work you will carry out during the project.

6. Click on the submit button and sign the transaction to submit the proposal. You need to submit 50 ICX to submit the proposal.

Submitting a Progress Report

Note: Progress Reports can only be submitted in the Application Period. You need to submit a progress report for each of your ‘Active’ or ‘Paused’ proposals.

  1. Click on ‘Progress Reports’ on the sidebar

2. Click on ‘Create New Progress Reports’

3. You will be redirected to the Progress Report Creation Page. You need to enter the following information:

  • Project Name — The project for which the progress report is being submitted.
  • Progress Report Name — A suitable name for the progress report
  • Percentage Completed — The completed percentage of the project.
  • Time Remaining to Completion — The estimated remaining time for the project.
  • Description — A detailed description of the progress report.
  • Project Term Revision — Whether the project requires an additional budget or additional time for completion.

If you need to revise the project term, you will need to enter the following information-

  • Additional Budget- Additional budget required (in ICX) for completion.
  • Additional Time — Additional time required (in months) for completion.
  • Revision Description — Reason for requiring additional time and additional budget.

Click on submit and sign a transaction to submit the progress report.

Note — During the “Voting Period” ICONists simply wait for P-Reps to vote on pending proposals and progress reports

Submitting User Data

  1. To submit user data and to change the email notification setting, click on the username

2. A user detail modal will open.

3. Enter the following information-

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address — The email address where you wish to receive email notifications
  • Enable Email Notifications -. Whether you wish to receive the email notifications

and click on ‘SUBMIT’ to submit the user info

Prep Perspective

Logging In

  1. On the CPS landing page, click “LOGIN” in the top right corner then select your wallet

2. After logging in, click on ‘Go To Console’ to go to the console.

3. You will see a dashboard with helpful statistics and tracking information for your sponsor bond, remaining votes, or sponsor requests as well as the disbursement, period, and the time remaining for the period.

Registration or Unregistration of Prep

Note: Registration can be done on both the application and voting period while unregistration can only be done during the application period. Registration and unregistration done on the Application period get reflected immediately while registration done on the voting period gets active only on the next application period.

  1. If you are not yet registered, click on ‘Register Prep’ and sign the transaction to register as a Prep. Once you are registered, you will be required to vote/ abstain on every proposal and progress report. In case of failure to vote on any proposal or progress report, you will be unregistered from prep and will be charged a penalty to re-register.

2. If you are registered as a Prep, click on ‘Unregister Prep’ and sign a transaction to unregister

Pay Penalty

If you register as a P-Rep and fail to vote/abstain on any of the proposals or progress reports, you will be unregistered and denylisted. If you are denylisted you will need to submit a fine to re-register.

  1. On Dashboard, you will see an alert that you have been denylisted and need to submit a fine to re-register

2. Click on ‘Pay Penalty’ and sign the transaction to re-register. You will need to submit the penalty fee to re-register.

Note- The penalty fine depends upon how many times you have been denylisted. Currently, the penalty amount is set as

i) 1st time delisted — — 1000 ICX

ii) 2nd time denylisted — — 1500 ICX

iii) More than second time denylisted — — 2500 ICX

Approving or Rejecting Sponsor Request

Note: Sponsor Requests can only be approved or rejected in the Application Period

  1. On the dashboard, click on the sponsor request you want to approve or reject.

2. A proposal detail modal will pop up

3. Click on ‘Approve’ to approve the sponsor request or click on ‘Reject’ to reject the sponsor request. If you approve the sponsor request, you will need to submit 10% of the total budget of the project as a sponsor bond. If the approved proposal is disqualified, the sponsor bond is sent to the CPF treasury.

Voting on a proposal

Note: Voting can only be done in the Voting Period

  1. On Dashboard, under ‘Voting’, click on the ‘Proposals’.

2. Click on the proposal to vote on

3. Select ‘Approve’, ‘Reject’ or ‘Abstain’, type the reason for your decision and click on ‘Submit Vote’ and sign a transaction to vote.

Voting on Progress Report

Note: Voting can only be done in the Voting Period.

  1. On ‘Dashboard’, under ‘Voting’, click on the ‘Progress Reports’ tab

2. Click on the progress report you want to vote.

3. Select ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ for a progress report and budget adjustment, write in brief the reason for approval or rejection. Click on ‘Submit Vote’ and sign the transaction to vote.

Submitting User Data

  1. To submit user data and to change the email notification setting, click on the username

2. A user detail modal will open.

3. Enter the following information-

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address — The email address where you wish to receive email notifications
  • Enable Email Notifications -. Whether you wish to receive the email notifications

and click on ‘SUBMIT’ to submit user info.




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