Weekly Design Inspiration — Week #2

Vidhi Khistariya
Iconscout - Design Assets Marketplace
3 min readSep 18, 2020

Best creative designs from across the web! Inspire from them for your next project.

Hey you all! This is the second installment of our ‘Weekly Design Inspiration” series. Every week we choose the best icons and illustrations from dribble the place with the largest variety and amount. Subscribe now for weekly updates and discover work from some of the best designers in the industry.

Every time we will pick the best creations for you all! Apart from our list if you find anything inspiring, please feel free to link them in the comment section below.

Food App 2.0

OpenColony Illustrative Set

7pace Illustrations

Hurry Up

We hope you find really good inspiration from these beautiful creations. Have you come across any good icon or illustration design that we forgot to mention? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to share and subscribe!

Don’t forget to check Iconscout to download from Millions of icons, illustrations, and stock photos. We have a huge collection of free icons, free illustrations, and free stock photos for you.

We will bring another exciting list of designs for you next week. Till then Happy Designing!

