Announcing Mr. Raven: ICOToday’s First Professional Analyst

Joseph Kitonga
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2017

Over the last week, we have reviewed over 350 different applications for our analyst program. We diligently stuck to our high standards and worked tirelessly to identify the best applicants. Over the next few days, we will announce ICOToday’s initial analysts. Our analyst program has two different types of analysts: Regular Analysts and Professional Analysts. Our professional analysts are experienced individuals with numerous years of experience as CFA Charterholders, Lawyers, Blockchain Technologists or corresponding fields. The professional analysts’ reports will be detailed and exhaustive. Our regular analysts are highly skilled individuals with extensive experience in the ICO and blockchain industry. Both of these positions are highly selective and will be critical to the long term success of the ICOToday platform.

Our First Analyst

We are glad to announce our first professional analyst, Mr. Raven. Mr. Raven is an investment professional who has over 25 years worth of experience. Throughout his career, he has worked in Venture Capital, Private Equity and Asset Management. His extensive experience gives him a unique perspective as he evaluates ICOs.

Being an ICOToday Professional Analyst, Mr. Raven will be a critical part of the ICOToday platform. His evaluations will provide users with in-depth research and information that will enable them to be better informed about a particular ICO.

A professional analyst will be an experienced professional in one of three professions: Law, Finance and Blockchain Technology. They will be experienced individuals in their respective industries with proven track records. Their evaluations will also be significantly longer and take more time to prepare that those of the regular analysts. Their research will take about 30–50 hours.

Mr. Raven

In case you were wondering — yes, Mr. Raven is a pen name. Due to the infancy of the ICO industry and the lack of clear regulations, some of our analysts are not comfortable with sharing their real identities with the community just yet. Some of our analysts are professionals such as Lawyers and CFA Charterholders and are uncomfortable with their evaluations, which are opinions, being misconstrued as investment advice. Therefore, for the time being, as we work with our legal advisors on solidifying our legal framework to provide both our ICOToday analysts and users legal protection, those who wish to use pen names will be able to do so. We do not believe that this detracts from the credibility of the reports since the level of detail and comprehensiveness of the analysis will stand on its own.

Moving Forward

Mr. Raven will select some of the most exciting ICOs each month and provide exlusive, in-depth analysis for our registered users here at ICOToday. His first evaluation of UTrust can be found here and you can follow him on ICOToday here or on Telegram here to get updates about reports he posts. We are glad to have Mr. Raven as a Professional Analyst on our platform and are excited to read his future reports.

We will be announcing a new analyst each day this week. Stay tuned for more. If you’d like to apply to our analyst program, please visit icotoday, register and complete the analyst application. If you’d like to learn more about our analyst program please reach out to us below.



Joseph Kitonga

Founder @Vitable Health (YC S20), previously @Microsoft