We have released Non-fungible Token platform. At the same time, We are pleased to announce the release of its very first project “Gene A.I.dols” which is a Blockchain Dapp game to create your own pop star using Artificial Intelligence(A.I.) from artificial gene.

Akihiro Yamase
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

We are releasing Non-fungible Token platform soon in spring 2019. Furthermore, at the same time, we are also releasing its very first project of Token economy project, a Blockchain Dapp game “Gene A.I.dols”, joining hands with alt Inc.(Headquarter: Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan / CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura) and DataGrid Inc.(Headquarter: Kyoto, Japan / CEO: Yuuki Okada).

ICO Platform Implementing DAICO to start with, ICOVO had been developing variety of token economy platforms. ICOVO is planning to release Non-fungible Token platform soon in spring 2019 which will be used in Dapp game ”Gene A.I.dols”.

You can create your own pop star in the game ”Gene A.I.dols” by combining the world’s one and only appearance and voice. Appearance will be generated using AI-generated GAN(Generative adversarial network) Algorithm from artificial gene, and vocal fold will be generated using speaker adaptation technology. By breeding artificial genes of created pop star pairs, you can create a brand-new popstar’s appearance and voice which passes on their intermediate genes.

In addition, this service will not only enables you to generate appearance and voice from artificial gene but to the contrary, also enables you to create artificial gene-information from the existing facial images and human voices. Further speaking, you could also create a brand-new pop star by breeding artificial gene generated from existing human and pop star made by AI. Since your own pop star will be tokenized to ERC721 standard token and written on Ethereum smartcontract, you can hand it over to the third party through corresponding wallets. Looking ahead, we are also planning to provide services compatible with VR (virtual reality). By using vocal fold information of each pop stars and conversation engine written on artificial gene, having a chat with created pop stars through VR will also be realized in the game in the near future.

”Gene A.I.dols project” is a joint project of ICOVO, alt Inc. and DataGrid Inc. .

The new joint project will combine ICOVO’s overall service design and blockchain related development, alt Inc.’s vocal fold development and DataGrid Inc.’s appearance development.

<Gene A.I.dols>

We release Version 1.0.0 by Spring 2019.This version enables pop star facial image creation and breeding. Achieving the sales plan goal , additional functions will gradually be implemented. We will also support a range of additional payment methods credit card payment using Japanese YEN and USD together with current Ethereum(ETH) and OVO(ICOVO’s Token). Adding body structures, we also plan to offer chat service with VR correspond pop star.

〈Gene A.I.dols Project〉
Project company: ICOVO AG, Alt Inc., DataGrid Inc.
Official Website : https://gene-aidols.io/
Service Release : Spring 2019
Our service : Providing Gene A.I.dols service

Alt Inc.
CEO Kazutaka Yonekura
8F, UNIZO Higashi-Kanda 3-chome Building, 3–1–2 Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Official Website : https://alt.ai/
Our services :alt inc. (founded in November 2014) is strongly supported by experts at home and abroad in artificial intelligence research. In addition, is working on the development of “P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence)” to make personality into data on the cloud computer.

DataGrid Inc.
CEO Yuuki Okada
Kyoto University International Innovation West building 1F,
36–1 Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto, Japan
Official Website : https://datagrid.co.jp/
Our services : Development of creative AI, Development of Consultation of AI related system

