Last day of ICOVO crowd-sale phase 1

You’ll receive 10% Bonus during crowd-sale phase 1 until 23.59 (UTC) on 30th October 2018.

1 min readOct 29, 2018


ICOVO crowd-sale phase 1 with 10% bonus will end on 30th October 2018!!

For crowd-sale phase1 participation process, please click here.

We have already raised the soft-cap of 5868 ETH in closed-sale and released most of our products and now we are aiming to update them to the next stage.

We have a major announcement coming up soon, stay tuned and keep an eye on our social media channels.

Check and follow the latest news on our official social media channels below.
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For other information, check us out at GitHub , BitcoinTalk , Reddit , and Discord.



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