Why is it the next-generation blockchain, the 8 core advantages of DFINITY!

ICP League
Published in
9 min readMay 25, 2021

The “reverse-gas model”

When users use dapps on DFINITY, they can interact with smart contracts without paying gas themselves, and users who do not hold ICP tokens can also use it easily.

This greatly improves the ease of use. Compared with Ethereum, users must go to the exchange to buy ETH, and then withdraw it to the wallet to use dapps such as DeFi and NFT. This threshold directly blocks most of the potential user. On the Internet computer of DFINITY, the developer provides gas for the “software container/smart contract” that runs the dapp, and the user only needs to enjoy the service.

Users can easily use dapps on Internet computers, and they don’t even need to know that the service is running on a blockchain! Think about it, socializing, trading, playing games, and receiving airdrops on the blockchain without distressing gas will attract large-scale potential users.

DFINITY once showed a photo of its node, and everyone was surprised to find that there was no disk on the node machine, but it was full of RAMs. This also reveals another feature of DFINITY: all smart contracts are in a running state!

If DFINITY is regarded as a decentralized cloud supercomputer, then all the services deployed on it can be regarded as a process running in RAM. As long as its gas token “cycles” are sufficient, the process will always in a running state.

In contrast, under the architecture of the previous generation smart contract platform represented by Ethereum, services are not driven by contracts, but must rely on external transactions to trigger contracts, such as oracle and centralized scripts. On the Internet computer, all services are running, and many transactions can be initiated by the contract. We can even write some active arbitrage robots into the DFINITY container. At the same time, you can also set “private” to hide the strategy, which will bring huge imagination to DeFi.

Smart contracts at web speed

Delay is an important indicator of whether the system is available. DFINITY has achieved amazing results in query milliseconds and update seconds. Most Internet applications can be used smoothly under this delay. The decentralized forum dscvr.one proves this feature of DFINITY. Go ahead and use it!

When users use the service, they will send two types of requests to the Internet computer. One is to design an update call to modify the contract state, and the other is a query call that does not need to update the state. Because DFINITY’s Internet computers are run by the most powerful independent data centers around the world, the response time of query calls is milliseconds.

Due to DFINITY’s consensus and ChainKey innovation, DFINITY has reduced the final confirmation of the update call to an astonishing 1 seconds. Although we have heard a lot of DFINITY’s grand vision for the full-stack Web3, the ultra-high-speed, non-interactive consensus protocol is also the core foundation of DFINITY.

Different from the consensus of PoW and PoS, DFINITY uses a verifiable random function & threshold signature in the consensus for the first time, that is, VRF & BLS.

First of all, DFINITY generates a credible source of random numbers through the consensus of the nodes, and selects the verification group based on the random numbers, which ensures the efficiency of decentralization and consensus.

Based on the non-interactive threshold signature technology, the verification group of DFINITY can be very large, and the speed of consensus generation within the group is very fast, because the nodes do not need to interact frequently, only need to verify and sign the block. When enough is collected After the signature of the block, the single signature of the block can be restored, and a consensus can be generated. The performance of other blockchains is mostly limited by the consensus speed of the verification group, because they use the old BFT consensus, which causes the verification group to have a lot of interaction to determine the consensus.

All this benefits from DFINITY’s cryptography technology ChainKey, which combines a series of original technologies such as “non-interactive decentralized key distribution protocol”, “threshold signature”, “verifiable random function” and so on.

Blockchain that can run web pages

Users can directly access the smart contract on DFINITY through a browser or mobile app without going through any centralized webpages and servers, let alone touching the command line code. Developers no longer need to create websites on decentralized aws and Alibaba Cloud.

Where are the advantages? DFINITY is a full-stack architecture of Web3, which is very obvious in the architecture of dapps.

Let’s first look at the dapps of Ethereum. It is a three-layer architecture: smart contracts are above, users access the front-end, and middleware communicates with them. For the two parts of front-end and middleware, developers need to rent centralized servers. Therefore, once these two layers of centralization go down or are mastered, dapps are no longer available to users. In fact, we have experienced this many times. Although there are some decentralized infrastructures, it is still difficult to interact.

Each layer of the above three-layer architecture can run on DFINITY, which cannot be achieved by any other blockchain. It implements a functional network layering, which is a very advanced architecture. Tokens and smart contracts for manipulating tokens run on DFINITY, which is similar to ETH here; at the same time, because DFINITY runs in the mode of software containers, the business database can also run on DFINITY; because of the global With the support of the data center and the optimization of various network content distribution, the front-end page can also run directly on DFINITY; the above three layers are included in the DFINITY network, so no middleware is required.

So at any time, the dapps on DFINITY are available without the centralization risk of a certain link point; and most importantly, this completely liberates the developer and no longer has to deal with multiple systems. The complexity of the interaction between the two can spend more energy on making products; this also expands the scope of applications that blockchain can do, not just DeFi, but also decentralized social networks such as OpenCaht, Canistore, CanCan, Dscvr.one, Distrikt can be achieved.

Decentralized Internet Identity

On DFINITY, users can quickly create a decentralized ID in a few seconds through facial scan or fingerprint recognition. You no longer need to manage usernames/passwords, and you don’t need to touch incomprehensible private keys, you can easily control your ID.

The most important thing is that this decentralized ID complies with the DID standard. You can derive many accounts from the main ID to use different dapps. At the same time, you don’t have to endure the reality of a monopolistic platform, and you can package and take away yours at any time. DID and data, this is the true basis of Web3 data ownership.

DFINITY supports the SECP265R1 curve, most of the chips of electronic devices you can buy support this curve. With it, you can use DFINITY’s account through fingerprint and face recognition. Combined with DFINITY’s reverse gas model, this greatly improves the user experience of the blockchain.

Internet-scale with low cost

Internet computers can achieve seamless and silky expansion, not only can automatically generate new subnets according to the network load, but also do not need to stop your services during the expansion process. For users and developers, the process of expansion is totally insensible.

In the past, our thinking was often limited to a fixed number of chains, which limited the TPS of the entire network. In fact, TPS should be expanded on demand. The addition and merging of subnets on DFINITY are carried out on demand. Neurons participating in the NNS can initiate expansion proposals based on the current network load to balance the load of the entire network.

This near-infinite capacity expansion also makes the ultra-large application of blockchain possible. Developers can use smart contracts to build tokenized social media and integrate social media with traditional smart contract applications (such as DeFi), which will bring unlimited business imagination.


ChainKey is the core technology behind Internet computers. It creates a single public key of only 48 bytes for DFINITY’s blockchain. Therefore, any device, even a smart watch, can personally verify the DFINITY chain.

In contrast, when verifying traditional blockchains such as ETH, because each block is signed by a different node, the device needs to synchronize several hundred GB of signature data. In DFINITY, all nodes sign a block together. Therefore, the device only needs to save the 48-byte unique public key to verify each block.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of ChainKey technology. It also allows nodes to exit and join the network at wil, so that new nodes can be easily connected to the network for expansion, all thanks to Noninteractive Distributed Key Generation Technological breakthroughs.

At the same time, each “subnet/shard” has its own single public key. The mutual call of contracts on different “subnets/shards” requires the use of the public key of this “subnet/shard” to verify it just send the block message, which greatly optimizes the “inter-chip/inter-network” communication problem.

If the blockchain can be verified so easily, can we directly run a DFINITY verification node on other blockchains? ChainKey’s extremely easy to verify feature also makes DFINITY naturally suitable for cross-chain operations. This will bring a lot of business space!

Advanced liquid democracy

The Internet computer runs a decentralized token governance system called the Network Neural System also known as NNS, which is a governance system that can help the DFINITY network to achieve self-evolution.

The purpose of NNS is to allow Internet computer networks to be managed in an open, decentralized and secure way. It can completely control all permissions of the network.

For example, it can directly upgrade nodes; it can create a new blockchain subnet to achieve expansion; it can split the subnet to balance the network load; it can configure economic parameters, such as adjusting the ratio of gas token cycle to ICP conversion; In extreme cases, it can even freeze malicious software containers to protect the network, and so on.

Users stake ICP tokens to become governance neurons, and can initiate proposals and participate in voting. Participation in governance will be rewarded with ICP tokens. In the voting process, NNS uses a fluid democracy between direct-voting and delegate-voting. You can vote directly or automatically follow the votes of nodes you trust.

Stable Gas

The gas consumed in the DFINITY blockchain is called cycles, which is produced by consuming ICP. Cycles are stable under the adjustment of the algorithm and anchored with 1 SDR (SDR can be regarded as a stable unit after comprehensive multi-national legal currency calculation). Cycles are not only used as gas, they may play important roles such as stablecoins and transaction pricing symbols in the future ecology of DFINITY.

In NNS, the most frequent type of proposal is called “ExchangeRete”. Neurons will obtain the price of ICP from the exchange and submit it in the proposal. On average, it will be submitted every 6 to 10 minutes. This is actually a price oracle machine under the guise of the governance system. It is to automatically adjust the ratio of ICP to cycles according to the ICP price, and ultimately maintain the stability of cycles.

Therefore, first, DFINITY’s gas is stable, which is a huge dapp operating cost; second, DFINITY comes with a price oracle machine, and cycles are the stable pricing unit in the system. It is just like standard currency in the future. Any token built on DFINITY will establish a ratio with cycles to reflect the price of the token. This is actually the prototype of a decentralized exchange.



ICP League

Co-founder of ICP League & Ourea Group, obsessed with Social Tokens, DAO & NFT.