Spotlight On Cyber Security Awareness By ICSSO

Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2019

Cyber security

Cyber security should be a point of concern for all types of businesses, be it large or small. It should also be a concern for traders, government agencies, and almost everyone who relies on the Internet for business. The problem persisting in the fact that far too many people still disregard the threats of cyber theft and take it lightly.

Head of research at ICSSO Sandra Hobbs said, “We should definitely think about cyber security at all times and should keep a check on our systems to tighten cyber security on our ends.”

Every business should prioritize cyber security because it is too often that we use smartphones, computers, and other devices that connect to the Internet for business and personal use. Steps need to be taken in order to create awareness and help people learn the importance of cyber security.

Building Awareness

With professional hackers on the loose, it is highly important to secure your internet presence to the extent that none of their tactics work on your system. In cases where all of your business is based on the internet, there are higher possibilities

A huge chunk of the world’s population is well aware of cyber threats, but some people do tend to either be unaware of them or be ignorant to the fact that it can happen to them. ICSSO aims to provide awareness along with its cyber security services so that individuals and their businesses can be kept safe from hackers.

Failure to Act

The costs of not paying heed to warnings can be massive, not only in terms of dollars but also in terms of wasted time, lost productivity, and hacked systems. Not just private firms, but government agencies too have had to suffer a loss due to significant cyber-attacks.

The danger is getting so bad that eventually the internet that connects the world together, has failed to the point that it can no longer be trusted.

Want to protect yourself from cyber theft? Hire the experts at ICSSO and they will make sure that your business along with all your systems is impossible to break into.



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Working as cyber experts globally to protect from cyber space crime, fighting spam and malware.