Contact tracing using Druk Trace

Using Technology to fight COVID19 Pandemic

Kinley Tshering
ICT In Bhutan
4 min readApr 21, 2020


A monk fulfilling his duty

What is contact tracing

One of the most effective techniques to fight infectious diseases is contact tracing. Contact tracing, in public health, is the process of identifying individuals who had been potentially exposed to infectious diseases. The identified individuals are then notified of their exposure and quarantined, if necessary.

Role of technology in contact tracing

While contact tracing is effective, the process is cumbersome when done manually. This is where technology comes in. Many countries and companies around the world are trying their hand using different technologies ranging from real-time geolocation data to quick response (QR) codes. Countries like South Korea, Iran, and Poland used real-time location data to track user’s whereabouts and published publicly viewable maps of coronavirus patient’s location. Italy, Belgium, and Germany used anonymized data from telecom operator to generate movement maps. Singapore launched TraceTogether, which exchanges Bluetooth identifiers when phones come in close proximity with other phones running the same app. Apple and Google had recently announced their collaboration to develop an opt-in service based on Bluetooth low-energy (LE) technology. China and Russia have used QR codes extensively to fight COVID19 pandemic. There are also various team of researchers around the world developing mobile apps like TrackCOVID aimed at contact tracing without violating user privacy. Trace by BhutanPlus also uses QR codes aimed at tracing contacts.

How Druk Trace works

Overview of Druk Trace Contact Tracing System


Users can download Druk Trace app from Google Play Store for Android phones and Apple’s App Store for iOS phones. Using the app, users can then generate QR codes for public places like offices, temples, shops, restaurants, buses, and taxis. The generated QR codes needs to be printed and posted at the entrances. Anyone visiting those public places will then scan the QR codes using Druk Trace. Upon successful scan, a timestamped record linking the scanner (individual) with QR code (public place) will be saved at a secure location. In the scenario an individual is diagnosed with infection, health officials will be able to get the list of individuals who had been in the same place (scanned the same QR code) within certain time frame. The possible direct contacts can then be informed and appropriate action can be taken to bring the outbreak under control.

User verification

For Druk Trace to add any value to contact tracing, every individual opting in should be verified to ensure accurate data. Druk Trace requires very minimal personal information to register. You should provide your name (optional) and phone number. The phone number is then verified by sending an SMS message with the pin code. Only after the user provides the correct pin code, the registration process will be completed. This will prevent individuals from using other’s phone number to register.

QR code creation

Any verified user can create QR codes using the app. When creating a new QR code, purpose (for Place or Transports) and details of place or vehicle number are the only information required. Every QR code generated using Druk Trace is assigned a unique identifier. The QR code can then be printed and posted at a convenient place where individuals can scan with Druk Trace app. The generated QR codes are not meant to be shared online through various social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, etc.

QR code scan

Verified individuals can scan any QR codes they see when they are in public places. On a successful scan, a timestamped scan record is stored to signify the individual visited the place. This will ensure that health officials can contact them if they happen to unknowingly come in contact with an infected person.

Report generation

In the unfortunate scenario an individual using Druk Trace is diagnosed with an infection, health officials can get a list of places (scanned QR codes) an individual visited in the last few days (let’s say 5 days). For each QR the individual scanned, other users who scanned the same QR code within certain time frame (let’s say 2 hours) can be traced. Health officials can then contact those individuals (direct contacts) using the verified phone numbers and take necessary precautions.

Concluding remarks

While the app has a simplistic implementation, with cooperation from the all the citizens of Bhutan, it can be a very effective tool for contact tracing. If every public place has a unique QR code posted and every individual visiting those places scan the QR codes regularly, the report generated will be accurate enough for the purpose. With minimum invasion of personal privacy, I can’t see why it should not be a success story.

Awareness Raising & Advocacy

