What do ICTE Instances Offer?

iCTE News
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2019

ICTE provides many different types of services and it is up to the customer to decide what kind of instance they want to be hosting. We have created 3 different types of service packages with different tiers. The categories of instances we offer are Block Explorers, Alphas, and IEO-Issuers.

  • Block Explorers are instances that distribute our validation services. These include a private InterPlanetary File System which grants access to our database of electronic services and smart-algorithms, our high-performance PoS Blockchain, Crypto-Franchise membership, a real-time website, and a cross-blockchain wallet application. Those that may not have an interest in hosting their own exchange, but wish to be a part of our distributed ecosystem will be benefited with newly-generated IEOs through validating blocks.
  • Alphas are instances that have the features of Block Explorers and additionally include complex algorithmic trading and crypto portfolio functionality. They have services that support high-frequency trading for individuals or institutions and can provide in-built algorithms and allow users to have their own. They earn validation rewards and the fees that are collected through their exchange. They provide liquidity of all coins supported by ICTE!
  • IEO-Issuers are custom installations that use blockchains for their business and trade their assets on ICTE’s blockchain. The instance includes a special creation-redemption process to issue assets onto the ICTE platform. For example, a service provider would be able to price their services on ICTE’s blockchain through an issuer instance and begin trading their assets for other cryptocurrencies. Issuer servers help any service-provider to digitize their industry.

The tier of your instance depends on your business model. You can have a member instance in which you must register your domain with ICTE. These instances can host satellites which would create more liquidity and help to distribute themselves. Although satellite instances would not be able to host members, they have the freedom to have a niche of customers and target certain audiences. They also do not need to have their domains registered to ICTE as they would be licensed through a member instance.

We give the freedom to choose what type of customer you want to be with ICTE. We will accommodate your business plan, even giving the option to run in a public or private environment! 😉



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