Why investing in the banking sector is better?

The ICU.ME Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018

Flash Banking is a sector index encompassing projects that offer finance and banking solutions. Its advantages are described below.

Currently, Flash Banking index includes high cap banking sector cryptocurrencies: XRP, XLM, XEM, OMG.

Over the Q3 of 2018, this index has had the best results overall and brought its holders a 22% profit.

On top of that, the banking sector index historically has a performance superseding a cryptocurrency market average by the factor of 10.

Flash Banking Index

What makes banking blockchain solutions so compelling?

1. Blockchain is quicker and more efficient than traditional systems

If you ever had to go through an international money transfer routine, you are well aware, that they could take up to several days, that the transaction fee is high and the transfer itself can fall through for any number of reasons.

Blockchain can solve many problems plaguing the contemporary international banking systems, such as SWIFT. Blockchain-based projects offer an unprecedented level of reliability, scalability, simplicity, and efficiency for settlement systems and clearing process.

For example, Ripple boasts the transaction rate of 70 000 transactions per second. To compare, SWIFT can process no more than 2.5 bln transactions per year, which evens out to 200 per second.

In addition to that, blockchain helps banks to reduce transaction costs by about a tenfold.

2. Blockchain solutions are easily integrated into banking

Regulations are one of the most-discussed topics in the blockchain community since the very introduction of Bitcoin. World governments’ indecisive position on the issue of cryptocurrency regulations hinders the process of blockchain integration into traditional business.

Banking solutions are primarily based on permissioned blockchains. This means, they are controlled by a limited circle of people and therefore are not truly decentralized or open, like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

And this particular type is more to the liking of state authorities and financial establishments, as they are more accustomed to working with controlled solutions and feel more comfortable this way.

3. Banks need blockchain

Banking institutions have always been characterized by stagnation and conservatism. This has led to that fact, that most of the technologies used by banks have become morally outdated decades ago. Currently, these systems desperately need reorganization to bring them up to date and help them meet the demands of current times.

Which is why banking blockchain solutions are being developed at a quicker pace and have come closer than any other category of projects to achieving a full-fledged partnership with business leaders.

All of these reasons guarantee the ICU.me banking index remaining one of the most profitable tools on the cryptocurrency market.



The ICU.ME Blog

Cryptocurrency indices and diversification platform