The Moon and the Sun

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

The moon and the sun,

Being imbued with celestial love for each other,

Separated by an illusion,

Known as Time.

The Sun,

Who peeks through the clouds,

Eager to find his elegant moon.

The moon,

Who shines throughout the night,

Just to see her golden burning prince.

The only way to meet is,

By destroying illusions.

Time being an illusion,

Separates both the lovers.

The question here is,

Is time even real or a man made mirage.

The sun asks moon,

To look past the mirage,

To have a lovely reunion.

Moon begins her journey,

Being strong yet graceful,

She destroys all the illusions,

The universe once again,

Becomes a playground for two lovers,

The moon and the Sun.



Ritika Devender
Icy Tales and Frosty Whispers

A passionate writer with a deep love for words. I love writing fiction stories, poetry and making theories! Visit my store: