ID2020 Announces Inaugural Class of Certified Digital ID Solutions

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4 min readMar 10, 2020

Today marks an important milestone in the movement for “good” ID as ID2020 announces its first two certified digital identity solutions: Kiva Protocol and Gravity.

ID2020 announced plans to launch the first certification mark for digital identity at the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The ID2020 Certification Mark recognizes digital identity solutions that adhere to the highest standards for user management, privacy protection, portability, and interoperability.

Globally, one in seven people is unable to prove their identity through any recognized means. As a result, they lack access to basic legal protections and social services, are unable to participate fully as citizens and voters, and are systematically excluded from the modern economy.

“Digital identity can empower the powerless. But it can also be used to exclude people or even persecute vulnerable populations like refugees, children, and the homeless. While we must move quickly to adopt digital identity solutions, our enthusiasm must also be balanced with the need to protect user privacy and mitigate the associated risks,” noted ID2020 Executive Director, Dakota Gruener. “That’s what we mean when we talk about implementing “good” ID. It is important that these considerations are central to the design of all digital identity systems if we hope to realize a truly inclusive future for everyone.”

The ID2020 Certification Mark provides technology companies a framework for the development of ethical, inclusive digital identity solutions. To be eligible for certification, solutions must adhere to 38 functional, outcomes-based Technical Requirements. To date, 25 applicants from Norway to Kenya to the United States have submitted thoughtful, detailed applications, and have worked with our staff and advisory committees to complete the application process.

In addition to helping developers create better products, certification also provides a “third-party seal of approval” so that implementers — and ultimately, end-users — can trust that the technology they are using was developed in accordance with the highest ethical and technical standards in order to mitigate the inherent risks. This market-based approach is already shifting the technical landscape. We have already seen major multinational technology companies amend their technical approaches to comply with ID2020’s requirements.

The ID2020 Certification Mark certifies end-to-end digital identity solutions. Certification is awarded to solutions that demonstrate an intent to implement these applications in a manner compliant with the ID2020 Technical Requirements. To assess how these solutions are ultimately implemented, and ensure that they continue to meet the requirements, ID2020 is developing plans for ongoing assessment, auditing, and performance tracking.

Kiva Protocol

Kiva is a globally recognized leader in financial services for the poor with 15 years of experience working with unbanked and underbanked populations.

The Kiva Protocol enables digital identity to be extended to all levels of economic activity by allowing an implementing agency to create portable, user-centric digital identities that fulfill know-your-customer (KYC) functions across numerous participating financial institutions.

The Kiva Protocol addresses two of the most significant impediments to financial inclusion: lack of formal identification and a lack of a verifiable credit history. By using distributed ledger technology, Kiva allows both formal and informal financial institutions to contribute to an individuals’ credit history, which is stored in a user-friendly digital wallet.

Kiva Protocol emphasizes interoperability between financial service providers while simultaneously reducing costs and friction. Their solution is rooted in a commitment to user-centricity and privacy protection, making it a strong candidate for certification.

View the Kiva Protocol evaluation report here.


Gravity is a decentralized cloud platform through which individuals can easily receive, store, and share verifiable data in a secure wallet that they control. It enables the creation of private and trusted digital identities that help individuals unlock opportunities in a variety of cases.

Through Gravity’s platform, small businesses in Kenya can leverage their data trail from mobile operators, suppliers, and others to access more customized loan products. It is also being used to enable refugees to create profiles about their skills and program participation. These improve access to livelihood opportunities and help humanitarian organizations to coordinate better.

The platform is a key enabler of identity transactions for vulnerable populations. Even basic phone users can manage their identity with the help of a designated guardian. And third-party applications can leverage the Gravity platform to easily integrate a digital identity component that is based on open standards.

Gravity has worked closely with privacy experts to ensure that the platform not only meets, but exceeds, the highest standards for data management and protection.

View the Gravity evaluation report here.

About ID2020

Based in San Francisco, ID2020 harnesses the collective power of nonprofits, corporations, and governments to promote the adoption and implementation of responsibly implemented, user-managed, privacy-protected, and portable digital identity solutions.

Through its advocacy, project funding, technical support, and now by certifying best-in-class identity solutions, ID2020 is helping build the infrastructure needed to strengthen social and economic development and ensure that all of the world’s seven billion people can fully exercise their basic human rights and reap the benefits of economic empowerment.



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The ID2020 Alliance is committed to the adoption and ethical implementation of user-managed, privacy-protecting, and portable digital ID solutions.