Future direction of charity will change!

World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

With efforts undertaken for the good of the public, IDAC seeks to contribute to the global charity landscape for disabled people. In the traditional Internet world, information could be transmitted all over the world, but this was not the case for value.

However, value is the most significant entity that is in need of distribution in the public welfare ecosystem. Therefore, a transnational, trans-regional and a global public welfare ecosystem without racial boundaries cannot be established based on the traditional mode. However, with the means provided by blockchain technology, there will no longer be distinctions along racial and national divisions. As long as people share the same values and beliefs, they can come together to form the foundation of a system that supports the transmission and circulation of value.

Based on a comprehensive analysis, all sorts of problems arising from public disability assistance can be attributed to the trust issue resulting from the information asymmetry. The consequences due to the public’s loss of confidence may lead to multiple problems. If we are able to resolve the trust and credibility issue, an increasing number of caring people will be more willing to contribute to public disability assistance funds, and more disabled people can benefit from it.

Blockchain technology gives us renewed hope that the future direction of charity will change because of the attributes of the new attributes it can offer: decentralization and detrust, which is congruent to the traits that will fit the public welfare ecosystem for disability assistance. With the emergence of blockchain technology, IDAC was henceforth established. The organization seeks to serve as a bond and bridge connecting the disabled and the able-bodied people on a worldwide scale which brings hope to and ushers in a new future for the 650 million disabled people in the world. Blockchain technology that is to be used for disability assistance is foreseen to help the disabled alleviate the grief they have suffered in their hearts.

The IDAC project aims to solve the inherent complications easily bred in the traditional charity setup by establishing a database for some 650 million disabled people to achieve directed poverty relief and one-to-one assistance, attract more caring people into the public welfare ecosystem to help the disabled out of concern and a sense of responsibility and thus enable the disabled to be a generator of value while receiving financial aid with dignity.

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World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
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A non-profit charity organisation based in Singapore. With the latest blockchain technologies we are able to help people globally on groundbreaking scales.