Strategic Plan

World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2018

Through academic research and an open exchange of ideas, together with the desirable features that blockchain technology possesses, IDAC’s efforts will serve as a benchmark for the application of blockchain technology to the global field of charity and disability assistance.

Blueprint for the initial stages: Maintain commitment to the research and development of relevant systems, standards, and technologies for barrier-free communication and interaction between the silent world of disabled people and the sound world of able-bodied people. and the establishment of the global elderly care system and standards for disabled people.

Blueprint for intermediate stages: Develop the entrance to the charitable platform, set up a decentralized donation platform, and implement an open and transparent donation mechanism.

Make use of the advanced manufacturing productivity and innovative blockchain intelligent command analysis system to manufacture barrier-free household goods so as to industrialize and scale up IDAC and serve the disabled people all over the world.

Blueprint for later stages: Establish the global public welfare foundation and relevant financial service systems for disabled people, and constitute the blockchain service system to benefit 650 million disabled people all over the world.

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World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
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A non-profit charity organisation based in Singapore. With the latest blockchain technologies we are able to help people globally on groundbreaking scales.