What will blockchain revolution bring?

World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2018

Blockchain will allow businesses to solve one of the most relevant issues they are facing today — the issue of verification and control of contractors in business processes. Currently this undertaking takes a lot of time and effort, but with blockchain expenses can be decreased by cutting down costs and increasing profits. While the information about contractors or supply chains will be impossible to forge or delete.

The government will get the ability to make official records of births, deaths and marriages circumventing corruption and bureaucracy. Examples of successful use of the technology by a government are already on the record — in Estonia. Citizens of that country have their personal identification cards on the blockchain. Medical records are also stored on distributed ledgers. This way personal data is protected from hacking attacks and the very possibility of fraud is basically rooted out.

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World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
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A non-profit charity organisation based in Singapore. With the latest blockchain technologies we are able to help people globally on groundbreaking scales.