Why the need to become decentralized?

World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2018

As for blockchains, there is no central database but data will be distributed and stored on many nodes. Data on the blockchain is connected from end to end by virtue of the encryption algorithm, by which the data can be infinitely extended and is thus tamper-proof.

Technically, blockchains solve the decentration and detrust problems due to these attributes it possesses. It is believed that blockchain technology will be the chief architect of the fourth industrial revolution, by changing the underlying production relationships to boost productivity greatly.

The progression of civil society can thus be predicted as follows: decentration>centralization > over-centralization >decentralization.

Why the need to become decentralized?

This is because over-centralization gives rise to the problems caused by the high cost incurred to be perceived as being trustworthy, such as the waste of resources and persistent levels of poor productivity and these consequences can combine to hamper the social development of society. In the field of charity, there are also various problems resulting from centralization, including the lack of data sharing, the gap in communication due to the lack of connection between smart devices and the increase in susceptibility to corruption scandals.

Above all, it is the failure to achieve maximum assistance for the disabled people that matters the most. Blockchain technology will serve as a trust-building technology with the features of decentralization, temper resistance, openness, publicity, and transparency, which is suitable for point-to-point payment, clearing and settlement of transaction deals in the financial field, as well as helping to increase the legitimacy of the public welfare field in which credibility is gradually fading away.

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World Help Disability Welfare Foundation
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A non-profit charity organisation based in Singapore. With the latest blockchain technologies we are able to help people globally on groundbreaking scales.