The making of Prowow web application

Idea worth sharing
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2019
Prowow web application

1. Introduction

Prowow web application is a multi-vendor e-commerce site in Cambodia that is made for traditional stores and buyers to sell or buy product easily without too much learning curve and it is also free to register.

Statement of problems

Nowadays, Cambodia is a developing country and most of business in this country are the traditional business. Traditional business is the business that does not need internet to be involved. The customer need to visit the store to decide to buy the products or services. This kind of business consequences the limitations of the business. The limitations are time limitation, locality limitation, and business scaling limitation.

· Time limitation: Cambodian traditional shop usually opens from Monday to Sunday, from 08:00AM to 06:00PM.

· Locality limitation: Due to traditional business located in specific area, it will only target on the customer in that specific area.

· Business scaling limitations: Every traditional business need to have the showrooms in order to show the products. Then if they want to scale the business, they need to expand the area of their showroom. Doing so is costly and time consuming.

According to the limitations above, it causes business owners (shop owners) not to able to grow their business further.

2. Objective

· E-commerce web application (Prowow web application) is created to test Cambodian users’ behavior on the usage of internet to buy and sell products

· To introduce E-commerce web application to traditional shop

· To motivate traditional shop to transform to modern shop and start making their business become more than just normal shop that they used to be

· To introduce the forward auction (bidding system) on product to make product buying more competitive and fair price

· To make it clear and easy to use without complicated learning curve order and product management

· QR code is made to make the delivering process more trustful and easy

· To implement the proof of payment concept in web application without third party service involved

3. Case Study

In Cambodia, there are some existing multi-vendor web applications, namely khmer24 and Mypshar,.etc. In Thailand, there are a lot of e-commerce websites but we will choose only one which has the best practice of using proof of payment by sending the receipt to the seller. It is JIB. And the table below is some weaknesses and strengths of each site.

table of strengths and weaknesses of each website
Feature comparison of existed web applications to Prowow

4. Sitemap

Sitemap shows the structure of each webpage, and the redirect webpage. There are four kinds of sitemap, not logged in user, logged in, shop owner, and admin site map.

Sitemap of not logged in user
Sitemap of logged in user
Sitemap of shop owner/seller
Sitemap of admin

5. Final outcome

video screenshot of the full web application in localhost

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Idea worth sharing
Idea worth sharing

Published in Idea worth sharing

This is just my part of my life to research and public what I do know.


Written by sambatlim

Hello, I am a student who like sharing experiences and I am very humble to get someone ideas. Be happy to share your story.