The story of what I personally will need to review in the future.

by: sambatlim86

Idea worth sharing
2 min readDec 21, 2016


Briefly read of the article.
  1. Do it, Don’t think it:

Your brain is just one organic in your body. What it show you are not last long. you will absolutely forget it somehow or sometime. Sometime the moment it show you is very important to your life or future so what we need to do is try to caught that moment and keep continuously do it and determine to yourself. you can caught that in many different ways for example: To write down, To visualize in many different ways (by sound, watch, do). Keep improve what you are doing. Schedule is very important.

Trust me: “You cannot bring 100% of your imagination to real life or work.”

2. Focus the only 1 that you want to do:

Being emphasizing is very important.Your brain is not the machine that can complicatedly do the random works. To focus only what you want to do is very important because some works require long time to see the result. For example you do this work and two months later you make a change of your idea so your first work will wasted.

Trust me: “ Before start doing something you need to have a very specific plan,and before start applying your plan you need to do the experiment or seeking for more experiences.”



Idea worth sharing

Hello, I am a student who like sharing experiences and I am very humble to get someone ideas. Be happy to share your story.