Basic definitions of Automaton

Peter Bean (binh)
Idea Hub
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2022



An Alphabet, , is a non-empty set of symbols.

For example:

  • ={0, 1} is a binary alphabet.
  • ={a, b, c, d, …, z} is the collection of lower case letters.

A string or word is a finite sequence of letters drawn from an alphabet.

For example:

  • x=01101100 is a binary string
  • “Life is good” is also a string

Empty strings denoted by ϵ (epsilon) are strings with zero occurrences of letters. Empty strings can be from any alphabet.

Length of a string, x, is the sum of occurrences of its symbols, denoted by |x|.

For example:

  • If x=01101100, then |x|=8
  • The length of “Life is good” is 12

The set of all strings composed from letters in is denoted by *.

For example: If ={0, 1} then *={ϵ, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, …}

The set of all non-empty strings composed from letters in is denoted by ⁺.

The set of all strings of length k composed from letters in is denoted by ᵏ.

For example: If ={0, 1} then ²={00, 01, 10, 11}

Size of ᵏ=||ᵏ

A language is a collection of strings over an alphabet

For example: The language of palindromes over the binary alphabet is {ϵ, 0, 1, 00, 11, 010, 101, 000, …}

Is the same as ¹ ?

  • No, because the elements in are called symbols and they are just letters, whereas the elements in ¹ are strings; they just happen to have length 1.
  • Do not mix types in programming.

