Examples of a finite automaton

Peter Bean (binh)
Idea Hub
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2022



  • The circles are the states of the automaton. The one with an arrow coming from nowhere or labeled start is called the initial state or the beginning of the computation.
  • The labels or “numbers” on the arrows are called transitions and the labels are the alphabet dictating what to do next
  • The arrow labeled “1” or transition “1” from A to B tells us that if we are at state A and we read “1” or one, we go to state B. On the other hand, if we are at A and we read zero or “0”, we go the state C
  • Double circled states are called accepting states. If the computation ends at any of the accepting states, the machine outputs accept, otherwise it outputs reject.



Backward computation

  • Choose and accept state E
  • Incoming transitions to E
  • Input ends with 0
  • Penultimate states: B, D
  • Incoming transitions to B, D
  • Input ends with 10

