Review of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”

Faith Owen
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

At 3:25 this afternoon, I attended the showing of, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” in the Gaslight theater in Durango, CO. I was not disappointed. Star Wars has become a special iconic right of passage that all groups and all ages have fallen in love with. The latest of these now nine movies does not fall short to the standards that said fans have held it to. Star Wars has become more than just a movie series, but rather it tells a story that reflects on societal issues of the time. Also, it simply is a series that has been marketed outside of the actual movie and into the lives of every individual who is willing to give these movies a chance, inevitably falling in love with every aspect of them.

The latest of the Star Wars movies, The Last Jedi, had many aspects hidden subtly within the movie that can be compared to controversial societal issues of the time. Firstly, there is an underlying theme of light vs. dark, or good vs. evil. This push and pull is displayed in The Last Jedi as the fate of the galaxy rests on those who wish to be one with the light’s shoulders. Secondly, it was nice to finally see a woman who plays a prominent roll in saving the galaxy. This woman, Rae, is the last jedi who wants to fight for the good and justice of the galaxy, instead of focusing her power toward destruction and self-serving gain to ultimate power. Rae is seen as one of the most iconic characters because her role in saving the entire galaxy is so important. Lastly, there is a definite attitude in each of the characters that shows the importance of knowing your place and roll in society. Whether this roll is based on bad or good intent, each of the characters in this movie find said roll successfully and execute said roll. This movie is an excellent one and I would recommend everyone to watch it!

