Stressed Out College Kids Critique

Becca Day
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2018

For my long criticism I am going to critique some of the stereotypes of college students and how it impacts the academic and social environment of college campus. College students often compete in some ways to demonstrate how stressed out they are. On more than one occasion I have heard witnessed this.

One student will say something like “I only got like six hours of sleep last night and I’m on my second cup of coffee man,” and another student will reply something like “I’m running off three hours of sleep, coffee is the only thing keeping me moving at this point.”

Weather or not this is true it is unhealthy for college students to compete in this manner. Suffering should not be so glorified. I may be biased but college students seem to be more stressed out than the average population.

I would argue that society places a lot of value on a college degree because degrees mean that you can make more money. There is a lot of pressure on young people to get a degree and then get a job to fit this ideal American standard.

Because of this pressure college students do crazy things, like staying up for three days in a row to finish papers or missing meals all week because they have no time to eat.

While the stress that students are under is not ideal they should not glorify that stress although they often do. My long criticism piece will examine this part of cultural and how it impact society.

