Trey Smith
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2018


Super Heroes are Taking Over the World

I’ve developed this love for movies at a very young age, specifically super hero movies. Sitting down in a packed theater 10 years ago to watch the new Iron Man movie. I couldn’t have been more excited and never would’ve thought that I would be following a 10-year story line that would soon come to an end on April 26, 2018 when Avengers Infinity War releases.

Moviegoers today have developed this want for big budget blockbuster movies that awe and wow the audience. They thrive on this ideal that if it doesn’t have Iron Man flying through and blowing something up; or the handsome Captain America played by Chris Evans throwing a shield that some how always bounces back into his hands; or just some super hero ability that looks envious, they won’t see it. Super hero movies have changed what people, specifically millennials, have deemed as big block buster movies. I would know, I am one of them. In the end super heroes have taken over the world by storm and it’s just the beginning.

Wait though, this thread must end at some point right. This thread just doesn’t go on and on forever.

I remember a time when blockbuster movies consisted of a man named jack floating on a door and just letting go to freeze in the Iceland waters.

Millennials nowadays glorify the rise of power that is super hero genre movies. Think about that for a minute, please. When has there ever been a super hero genre? Only in the comic books that us nerdy nerds read to by pass time. Movie audiences around the world have come to love and have created this super hero genre that comes every year. Interconnected like a thread woven together, connecting every movie in some aspect or another. Exciting every viewer of what’s to come next.

Ever since the release of the first Iron Man movie, people were left wanting more. That end credit scene with Nick Fury, aka, Samuel Jackson (best known for his role in Pulp Fiction), made people wonder. What exactly is this character at the end of the movie talking about when he says that Tony Stark isn’t the only hero out there. They searched and searched for answers and behold they found them in comic books.

We would like to be able to watch a movie, but have it contain the super heroes we’ve grown to love, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc. Why is it that we see movies more, if it contains these characters?

Have you ever heard of any of the movies that were nominated in the Oscars this year? Or any year for that matter? The sad answer is “NO,” you haven’t, have you because I sure as hell didn’t hear about it. In fact, I couldn’t tell you the name of best picture this year unless I googled it. I won’t tell you though, I’ll let you discover that for yourself.

These movies that have true storytelling in them are rapidly declining along with their actors. What was the next Bruce Willis movie you heard of that actually looked entertaining?

I can’t recall really.

Even those movies back then only managed to gross an amount of thousands. Yet you have movies coming out that contain super heroes. Those movies alone have managed to rack in an insane amount of money that thrive up to the millions. This alone makes me think that no number will ever reach past what these movies make if it doesn’t contain any heroism.

I remember at a young age when seeing the first Iron Man, movie audiences weren’t as big as they are now. Fast forward towards when the very first Avengers movie came out in 2012 and all that hype surrounding that made it a perfect example of the demand for these types of movies were high. The end credit scene set that up for movies down the line that had to contain some form of the story that it was planning on ending on.

That ending would be with a big villain.

Thanos, described as the biggest baddest villain that Iron Man and his heroes would ever have to face. Thanos turns his head towards the camera and gives you the biggest grin that Avengers end credit scene. Giving the impression that something huge is coming.

I remember being in that movie theater and having to watch, basically from the sidelines. The front row of that movie made it terrible. Screw having to move your head back and forth just to view the movie. The amount of people in the audience that cared and knew what was happening within the movie were taking over and most children at a very young age.

Thus, the popularity that has grown within these movies has now reached out to the younger audiences, who now want to watch these kinds of movies. Who also demand for the toys when they go to the store.

Sales have sky rocketed and these movies have become more popular than ever before!

It’s become a phenomenon that is a billion-dollar profit that has reached a documented number of $10,916,958,583!

That’s just movies alone. What’s not included in this would have to be the merchandising. Which have reached billions as well. There’s also this mention of how much that Disney’s made on marvel products alone have made them the top dogs in Forbes.

It’s hard to argue against movies like these when you’re racking in a billion dollars from one movie. If its working for audiences then why change it.

I’m about to explain it this way and this way alone as a super hero fan and audience member. When I saw that Iron Man movie 10 years ago, I sure as hell didn’t think I’d be watching this upcoming Avengers movie fully understanding the stakes that these characters will be facing.

Those children in the audience during the Avengers movie, when I suffered having to sit in the very first row of the theater. They were basically me when I was watching Iron Man. They’re about to experience a movie that’s going to change their life and when they go to watch the next Avengers movie down the road 10 years from now. They’ll be writing about how they to were also in that theater, probably having to sit in the first row and suffer from nausea and rapid head movement.

The super hero movies that we’ve grown up with will forever be remembered. It’s not because we choose to go and spend $10 on a ticket and watch a 2-hour movie to find out in the end that the heroes always prevail over evil. It’s because we understand the notion and effects/weight that these movies carry.

I can’t tell you the amount of times that I’ve dressed up as Spiderman for Halloween. Too many to count, trust me. I have all the pictures and videos to prove it of me trying to pretend that I am one of these heroes.

This alone is the weight that these movies carry. They impact every single one of our lives to the point that we want it to be our lives on the big screen that the movies storytelling is portraying. We want to be these characters and would love it of the end of time. I sure as hell would love to be a hero and looked at envious like all these other audience members are doing. Just imagine the amount of fan mail or messages that these actors are receiving for pretending to be someone that fans, especially at a young age are trying to be as well.

I was one of them.

These movies are money makers, no doubt. The new Avengers movie being released already surpassed pre-ticket sales that would pass Black Panther, the previous and most recent billion-dollar movie released by Marvel and Disney.

In conclusion super hero movies are a huge deal now a days and have change the way we as viewers, especially young, imagine movies like this. I can’t go to the movies and not think about what the next super hero movie going to be and what it will be about. I can only sit there as an audience member and think like everyone else. So long as some hero aspect is being introduced, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be there. You can’t even say introduce anymore because those movies are already introduce unless you introduce a new super hero aspect that no one in the world has ever seen before.

However even then when can we have enough of these super hero genres. When is enough. The answer will only be answered with the ticket sales because I can promise you that if it isn’t making money then it won’t be made. And the only way that I see ticket sales decreasing is if we grow weary of these super hero movies.

Which I don’t see happening anytime soon. At least not in my lifetime because I will always purchase a ticket for myself.

