Supporting Spanish-Speaking Families

Global Family Research Project
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2018

Engagement | Reinforce | Hennepin County Library

In response to data showing that only 36 percent of Spanish-speaking children in Minneapolis are ready for school, Hennepin County Library (MN) started a comprehensive ten-week-long kindergarten readiness and early Spanish literacy program called “Súper Kínder: Listos Para el Kínder.”

The intergenerational program is designed by librarians and a local kindergarten teacher for Spanish-speaking families. Teen assistants engage children in reading, math, and social skill development while parents meet to talk with a librarian about the day’s learning activities. Children then join their parents who implement the lesson plan of the day.

Over the past four years, librarians have seen increased use of the library by Súper Kínder families, including program attendance and checking out books. In addition, pre- and post-survey results reveal that parents who participate in the program express broader and more actionable ideas about how to become leaders in their child’s education, both at home and at school.

You can read more about this innovative program in this highlight by the Urban Libraries Council.

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