Find Your True North

Areti Vassou
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2022


Take the time to explore and trust your own compass.

Find your True North

Without a clear vision of what are your True North principles, you can never write and actually do anything in life. And no, aiming to earn big money isn’t going to get you too far.

Define why you are writing. And start telling the story through your own words and perspective. Be honest and humble. Readers can sense when a writer is phony and meretricious.

Suppose you are unsure how to put your words in order, practice. Repeatedly. Until your fingers bleed your own thoughts. Don’t expect others to walk the extra mile on your behalf. Being a writer means that you are ready to build a whole new bridge to reach the people out there.

What are you waiting for? Start writing.

Living under the spell of writing puts you in a rare tribe of intelligent wallflowers with the skill of easily distinguishing what is important to be shared from what is better to be left untold. It builds a mist of mystery around you that most people can’t resist.

Furthermore, only genuine writers share this characteristic of introverted nature while they lack any interest in trying to impress anyone. Words are their only concern. The right words.

When we treat words with respect and we use them to communicate, they return the favor and take good care of us.



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.