Goals for 2023: Value Life More & Set Your Own Rules

Areti Vassou
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2023


One thing is pretty sure, 2023 will be unique and will bring many changes. As we reflect on the past year, the lesson was crystal clear. We value life more than ever.

Beginnings have a special appeal and work like a boost for new chapters. We are more than excited about all that the new year has in store and can’t wait to experience them day by day. Whether you’re excited or apprehensive about what 2023 will bring, join us in taking a look back at some of the highlights from this past year.

During 2022 we had the pleasure of organizing 12 Content Creators Meetups regarding SEO Copywriting Skills, all over Greece. Also, we accepted the invitation from 4 Digital Nomads Communities and co-organized Content Creators Meetups in Italy, Netherlands, Germany, and France.

And we didn’t stop there… From May to September, 6 Copywriting Workshops took place on 6 different Greek islands. In the meantime, 14 company speed group workshops absorbed an equal amount of our weekends but we can not hide our joy & pride for making them happen.

Despite our heavy program, we managed to welcome new collaborations and a handful of exciting new projects. Although we had our share of agony — like every person on the planet — it is fair to say that 2022 was a good year.

Acropolis and Plaka area in Athens, Greece. Photo by Areti Vassou.
Acropolis and Plaka area in Athens, Greece. Photo by Areti Vassou.

Before the end of the year, the announcement of the new Women Empowerment Workshops in collaboration with New Path by Kalli, was one of our favorite highlights. Our monthly Newsletter gave us the best reward with its spectacular organic growth, reaching more than 52.000 people.

In 2022 we focused on one specific goal: to grow our community. If we could gather all these people (+350.000) in one place, a stadium could be completely full house. Here is what we accomplished so far:

Blog subscribers: 6302
Newsletters subscribers: 54.105
Facebook profile: 2092
Facebook page: 2200
Facebook 40 groups: 248.000
Instagram: 18.150
LinkedIn profile: 10.293
LinkedIn company pages: 2100
LinkedIn Newsletter: 1830
Twitter: 2746
Pinterest: 944
Tumblr: 123
Medium: 745
TikTok: 138
YouTube: 41
Podcast: 100
Reddit: Active
Meetup groups: 3500

Make the New Year, a Happy Year!

May the New Year 2023 give you many good reasons to celebrate these wonderful days filled with laughter and bliss. Let’s embrace the new year with an open heart, say goodbye to the old, start the new without fear, and cherish the memories we keep!



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing. www.ideadeco.co