Goodbye February!

Areti Vassou
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3 min readFeb 28, 2021


We are welcoming March and Spring from Athens, Greece

Stop treating Digital Nomads like tourists. They are a community of intelligent and tech-savvy professionals that prefer to move from country to country.

With the help of technology, such as project management projects have become a new trend of professional careers. The need for experts in specific digital fields keeps growing every year. In other words, we have officially entered the era of a new bread of workforce, The Digital Nomads Tribe.

Photo by Areti Vassou

Digital Nomads are not tourists and officials in several countries should stop treating them like tourism projects. They are an intelligent and tech-savvy workforce that moves from country to country. Tourists tend to spend a certain amount of money and avoid working when they are visiting a location. On the other hand, digital nomads usually produce money while working remotely and spend a big portion of their income in their living location.

Read more details about Digital Nomads in Greece

Photo by Areti Vassou

Are you into WordPress? WordCamp Greece 2021 goes online on 16 -18 April

WordCamp Greece 2021 announced their Online Tech Conference is happening on 16,17 and 18 April 2021. The entire world knows how active and creative the WordPress Greek Community is and rumor has it that this Online WordCamp would be the talk of the town. The organizing team has a history of successful WordCamps in Athens and Thessaloniki, numerous meetups in Larissa, Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Crete, Ioannina, Olympos, Syros, and many other cities to come.

The WordPress Greek Community is always eager to contribute to the growth of WordPress open source software and in bonding the community. They never settle for the most traveled path and they support an inclusive culture in their events.

Read more details about WordCamp Greece 2021

Photo by WordCamp Greece 2021

Did you know that with professional SEO copywriting services you can earn spectacular organic results?

Professional SEO Copywriting Services have one secret element that generates spectacular organic results. Deep research.

It’s as simple as that. To get the best organic results you start with deep research, then add a strong dose of creativity and authenticity and there you have the best success recipe for your brand. No matter how much money you are willing to invest in your business growth if you don’t do deep research you won’t make it too far.

Did you know that more than 4.4 million posts are published daily? Getting published or setting a simple content strategy had never been easier. Pick a topic, find your general brand voice, set your digital assets, and start publishing your content. We wish that these steps would be enough to put our brand at the top. Maybe 20 years ago, when the demand and traffic were low, it was enough.

Now we need to run deep research for every single post we publish. If we want to lead the game in our selected industry. Here comes the expertise of professional SEO copywriters. They know how to combine the data insights with the right way of expression, making your brand visible to the right audience. They use words in a way that convinces people and seduce search engine machines to fall in love with their content.

Professional SEO copywriters know how to match the right audience with the right content for the right reasons. They are the modern technology matchmakers!

Find out how you can earn organic traffic



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.