How Do You Recharge Your Energy?

Areti Vassou
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2022

For me the number one method to recharge my energy is solitude. Solitude is bliss for a person’s soul. In other words, making it a priority to have “alone-time” at least 1 day each week, nurtures my mental and physical health.

How Do You Recharge Your Energy by Areti Vassou

Also, I take seriously the quality of sleep. Literally, I never sacrifice my sleep if it is not a matter of life or death. It is our responsibility to protect our brains from unnecessary causes of exhaustion.

Being actively conscious of my eating habits keeps my energy always high. Having nutritious meals that actually provide a joyful experience of flavors and helps my body to function properly. I respect my body’s needs more than anything! For example, I never eat food that makes me feel tired or makes me sick. I never eat red meat or some fruits & vegetables that I can not digest. You see, healthy food is not healthy for everyone!

I choose wisely my closest friends and never do small talk. Why? Because my time and tenderness are not for waste. When I care for someone, I do care with all my heart. Saving my energy for my closest people, makes me feel richer and always ready to provide the best. So, spending time in meaningless events or meetings, just to fulfill my calendar, is not my cup of tea.

Another way to keep my energy blooming is daily soft exercise. During the winter months, I spend 1–2 hours every day walking by the seaside or in the city streets. Fortunately, it’s a happy coincidence that my residence is near the Saronic Gulf.

In summer, early morning swimming is a daily habit that keeps me in good shape. Although I have been an XL lady almost all my life, my physical condition had been excellent.

A major part of adulthood is the hard professional daily schedule that demands to be on the clock for 8–10 hours. At some point, you choose how you want to deal with this pressing routine. In my case, I put quality over quantity. I prefer to have fewer projects that pay better than having more clients that pay less. Therefore my work is only a part of my life and not my entire life.

For all these issues that tend to occur at the worst timing, I have backup plans that can support the members of my family in a time of need. Health issues, physical disasters, financial crises, or even unemployment are part of life. Knowing that these unpleasant situations may come at any time, we plan ahead and make room for the unexpected. After all, life is what it is. Just happens. We control absolutely nothing.

How not to mention that books, music, hobbies, true friends, cats, and traveling are the best remedies in the world. Find what brings you joy and let it in your life.

Finally, the most important tool I use to save the best energy for better things is one magical word. The word: NO. Learn to say no to the things or to the people you don’t want in your life.

A brave NO is a disguised YES to a better life. — Areti Vassou



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.