IDEADECO Newsletter

October Inspiration

Areti Vassou
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6 min readOct 1, 2020


Let’s welcome October with an open heart and a warm smile!

Welcome sweet October! We are ready to embrace your Autumn vibes! Back in 2014, our Newsletter had only 100 subscribers. Today more than 23.500 people are receiving our news in their inbox.

I want to Thank you with all my heart for your support and for sharing our words, all over the planet. We wouldn’t have made it without you!

Areti Vassou

Photo by Areti Vassou

Overcoming Challenges With a Smile

In a few weeks, we are going to reach our first 6 months as new writers on Medium. We thought that many people have gone through the same learning curve during their first 180 days, trying to figure out what works best on establishing a recognizable name among Medium writers.

We are looking for articles that shed light on the biggest challenges new writers face in their first 6 months on Medium. The topic is: Overcoming Challenges the First 6 Months on Medium and the main tag is Overcoming Challenges.

Our aim is to gather around and talk about the ways most of us have tried in order to overcome the first 6 months’ challenges. We’re looking for articles willing to tell a personal story and reveal the pain points. We are not looking for the perfect approach but for true stories with a personal approach.

There is no wrong or right answer, just real humans trying to overcome the not as easy as expected publishing environment of Medium. The main question is:

What are the biggest challenges you faced in your first 6 months on Medium as a new writer?

To submit your article, please read our submission guidelines in this article.

Photo by Areti Vassou

Remove the Dust from Your Communication Skills

The effort to develop our communication skills takes time and a lot of energy. But the rewards of being a skillful communicator of our own thoughts are priceless. Try these 7 steps to develop your communication skills and free yourself from the stressful agony of losing your words. After you will gain the sense of silent respect from people of all ages and face open doors in almost all cases, only then you will realize the power of practicing the art of communication throughout your life.

Great Manners Can Help you More than a Great Degree

Good manners refer to polite, humble, courteous, respectful, and well-cultured social behavior. A person, above everything else, is esteemed and distinguished on account of his good manners. Everyone remembers the most polite or kind person in a room. That tells us something, right?

Truth be told a well-mannered person is difficult to find nowadays. It’s a true asset to have even one in your team because the quality standards seem to rise above and hit the sky when this rare Wonder-Human just calms everyone around.

How important is this, need no explanation… Intelligence or wealth alone can not account for the value of a person’s behavior but manners can. To earn the gift of respect equals to have all the power in your hands. Who does not wish to be the most powerful person on-site under all circumstances?

Photo by Areti Vassou

Giving back to Community with our Blogging Workshop at Social Hackers Academy

We are happy to announce that our two intensive Blogging Workshops at Social Hackers Academy have been successfully completed. The Workshops were part of the program “Women Going Digital” which was implemented with the support and funding of the Latsis Foundation. The program was designed by the Diotima Center, with long experience in women’s empowerment, and Social Hacker Academy, specializing in technological education.

During the Blogging Workshops the students learned how to:

  • Create new content for their blog
  • Apply keyword research
  • Implement SEO best practices
  • Adopt the best Content Marketing Strategies
  • Brand Positioning for their blog
  • Add different types of elements into their blog posts
  • Get familiar with the blogging community & networking guidelines
  • Explore potential blogging business opportunities

The main training goal was to enrich women’s digital soft & hard skills. According to research data, women are under-represented in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), facing difficulties both in their inclusion in the digital labor market and in their daily lives.

Blogging can support our efforts to create the life we want

Once you decide to engage professionally then it pays off. When we are ready to let go of what is familiar in order to create a new chapter for us then we tend to open up in the wildness of the unknown. Offer your caring attention generously and you will be surprised how joy, happiness, and creativity will find ways to return back to you.

I am grateful for having the opportunity to teach new bloggers how to blog. They helped me to become a better listener and to reconnect with the joy of doing something new. Also, they helped me to improve the quality of the Blogging Workshop. Thank you so much! — Areti Vassou, Founder of

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing our students thriving into their own blogging journey. We are really happy with our student’s growth and their published blog posts. They are sharing their point of view about our blogging workshops for beginners in Athens.

Our blogging workshops were carefully designed to empower students’ confidence in order to use their blogging skills and express their own voice. The main focus of the workshops was to introduce all the professional characteristics and blogging tools for creating successful blog posts.

Photo by Areti Vassou

Support Code Education
Support Social Hackers Academy

Due to COVID-19, all our lives have changed. We all have reached a point where we understand what it means to be under lockdown, forced to change our routine, and shift our lives to completely online reality. It is a fact that people within different vulnerable groups have been impacted heavily due to the current COVID-19 crisis. As a result of the pandemic, there are now even more vulnerable people facing challenging circumstances.

IDEADECO Team & Areti Vassou, are officially supporting Social Hackers Academy in their efforts to provide free Code Education to vulnerable people within Greece, Europe, and other countries. Join us, today!

What SHA will do with our support?

SHA wants to tackle the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on vulnerable groups. That’s why they want to launch another web development class for 30 students by the end of this year and during 2021 with their new online platform. But we cannot do this without your help. Together with you, we will be able to:

  • Run one seven-month web development class for 30 students
  • Deliver soft skills training and career coaching to them
  • Foster the long-term integration of vulnerable people
  • Change the life of 30 people through tech education

Help us to help SHA to help their students.

Let’s hack our way to a better future.

Help us change the future!

Photo by Areti Vassou



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.