Why You Should Start Your Own Copywriting Blog

Areti Vassou
Published in
7 min readJul 10, 2022

To make a long story short: blogging is the best way to extend time and gain deep knowledge.

Why You Should Start Your Own Copywriting Blog by Areti Vassou

The interaction with readers and followers can become fruitful and productive. Many of my readers prefer to have private online discussions on some of the hot digital marketing topics. Through these discussions, incredible ideas are born! Mainly, for suggestions on how to deal with technical problems. A new book is coming soon, thanks to my fellow bloggers!

Dancing with newborn ideas is fascinating and rewarding enough to make you want to go further on this road. Think of bloggers as the new generation of chronicle writers and time-travelers. They witness reality and facts with a wandering eye and carry the responsibility to record what they see.

Even the most inexperienced blogger out there is part of this chain. Future generations will look back on our era and will have a rich slice of our reality at this point in time. Believe it or not, it’s the small stones that keep a bridge in place!

What Does It Take To Make It Happen?

Just get up, show up and do the hard work.

Don’t get me wrong, I am just a CEO of an SEO Copywriting Agency, not a professional Pastry Chef. But creating new recipes in my line of work has become my second nature.

What I’ve learned so far is that first you learn the rules of the game, then you break them and finally you make your own recipe without seeking any kind of approval.

Can you imagine Hemingway or Plath putting their creativity on hold while reading all existing how-to-be-a-successful-writer guides? No way! Either you write or you don’t write, there is no such thing as a guaranteed way to be successful.

Of course, taking useful courses for writing styling or investing in high-quality education will boost the tools of your existing copywriting charisma but will never make you a famous wordsmith. Doing the hard work of writing will do. Eventually.

Build Your Value Based on Clarity

Chess lovers, like me, know that modesty and low-key tactic brings back home more wins.

Not all players can act like the King. Choose to be the King of the room. Be the most valuable asset in the market.


Do more. Talk less. Move quietly.

Let your work speak louder than your words.

Too much exposure can ruin your value, equally to a weak presence in the market. Publicity is a train that will get you nowhere if it runs in the wrong direction. Even the wrong speed can destroy your plans to nail your goals.

Stay Calm & Organized

Maybe you find blogging an extremely difficult task for your content marketing strategy. So many times I hear bloggers complaining about the pressure they feel. They find blogging overwhelming and frustrating. But it’s anything but.

The beginning is always a bit rough, for all of us! In a month or two, you will find yourself feeling more confident in creating a steady blogging flow. Bear in mind the following and keep writing.

  1. Write like a real human being.
  2. Have your own personal writing style.
  3. Write as you speak.
  4. Reach the heart of each topic through your angle.
  5. Be persistent.
  6. Back up your words with data and facts.
  7. Try to write long-form, actionable content and use catchy headlines.
  8. Provide clear solutions to your audience’s problems.
  9. Guide your readers step-by-step to solve the problem at hand.
  10. Screenshots of statistics & insights are great data material.
  11. Invite people to take action. But you must set the example.
  12. Create more engaging and rich content.

Understand What Your Readers Want From Your Content

The first step toward creating great content is to understand its purpose and what recipients want from it.

Once you have this information, you can create quality content that meets their needs. This approach is precious when writing pre-written email templates, but it works well when you’re just firing back a quick response.

Writers often create audience personas when they’re writing content to understand what their readers expect and then deliver it. You don’t have to go that far for every response you send, but you should answer a few quick questions in your head before you fire off an email that leads to a back-and-forth:

• Will the reader understand technical terms, or should I use plain language?
• What are they expecting from my email?
• How much information do they already have on this topic?
• What is the purpose of this email- marketing, sales, etc?

Even if the email is a response to a question or query, you need to consider what you want the end goal to be — a sale, brand recognition, etc.

Copywriting Personal Branding Tips

Your copywriting personal branding is all about how you appear to the world. So you must do it correctly if you want to have a strong authority recognition for certain services and skills.

Always be your authentic self.

Be true and stay humble. Do not try to fake your identity because it is impossible to build a brand around your “fake” self. You would have to constantly lie about everything. And it is very hard to act in a “to-prove-it-right” way, appear that way, and say the “to-prove-it-right” words. It is exhausting to build a “fake” personality and then try to build a brand upon it. It is like building castles with sand!

First of all, ask yourself:

  • What do you believe?
  • What do you stand for?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?

Why? Because people respond to people. People connect with people. And everybody is able to understand, sooner or later, if someone is true or fake. Never underestimate the power of common sense.

The Tribe of Top SEO Copywriters

The ideal SEO Copywriter is ready to create the best possible content under any given situation. Must have a mentality of a problem solver that can handle all kinds of content, marketing, and product tasks, even on short notice.

As a multitasking professional, wearing many hats includes being ready to support the rest of the team to work efficiently. The ultimate characteristic of excellent SEO copywriters is their superb communication skills based on a detail-oriented mindset.

They know all the details, behind the details, behind all the dark corners, behind the fears we don’t even know that we have. And they are always two steps ahead with their SEO Copywriting Services.

SEO Copywriters are the glue that keeps together the world of cold data with the world of creativity. They are the people capable to balance writing for search engine machines and writing for human eyes, making compelling stories out of thin air.

You can find their work in all the little and big corners of the digital world:

  • Website content
  • Blogs
  • Social Media posts
  • Introductions for social media accounts
  • Ads
  • Newsletters
  • Digital research and surveys
  • Digital interviews
  • Short marketing copy
  • Long marketing copy
  • Copywriting briefs
  • Email campaigns
  • Landing pages
  • Product descriptions
  • Service descriptions
  • Chat texts
  • Visual files description

SEO copywriting creates the conversation stimulus about a specific idea that reaches out to a certain primal need. The need to solve [A]. You can replace [A] with anything you can think of.

Copywriting Tips For Newbies

Pay attention to your first online impression through the design, colors, blog architecture, quality of content, topics, and of course the ultimate landing page: Your About Me introduction. Learn what else can help you to elevate your blogging presence and copywriting skills.

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a way of living. A culture of continuous curiosity about almost everything. Is an act of optimistic philosophy that drives bloggers to notice common everyday activities and record their personal reactions in a daily & public digital journal. Blogging has become an extension of the philosophical principle by Rene Descartes: I think, therefore I exist (Cogito, ergo sum). Today it has transformed into I blog, therefore I exist.

The source of blogging is based on one of the basic needs of humans. The need for communication. Furthermore, it feeds the need for belonging and bonding with your peers. By blogging (writing and expressing your point of view) offers the illusion of importance.

Bloggers are not journalists. Bloggers don’t document reality, they only share their personal opinion about a certain topic. Freedom of speech protects individual opinions more than the truth itself. Everyone with internet connection and a computer has the opportunity to share their personal opinion, thoughts, stories, work, brand, business, etc.



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing. www.ideadeco.co