Embracing the Cyborg: Donna Haraway’s Manifesto and Its Relevance to AI Today

Lily Kollé
Ideal Design
Published in
7 min readJul 13, 2023


There are many ways to look at the things we create, ways to think about beauty, and the functionality of beauty. And as a designer, the perspective that aesthetics are functional is central to my practice. Aesthetic philosophy was one of the best classes I took while at California College of the Arts. The texts we covered in that course have shaped my view of art and design and I refer back to them often.

One of the most challenging texts we covered in that course was Donna Harraway’s Cyborg Manifesto. I think it’s pretty relevant today. Relevant to AI as well as feminism and Identity politics.

I struggled a bit to find an angle for this article, so I enlisted Chat GPT to think of one for me. It came up with 4.

Hi, I’m Lily 🙋🏼‍♀️. Each week I’ll be publishing an article about design co-authored with AI. I will seed the concept and angle and do the editing and quality control checks. I will also keep control of the sources I use for reference. I’m essentially creative directing an article relevant to design in tech each week and AI is my diligent intern.

My aim is to be transparent and create quality content while I learn about how to work with this revolutionary new tool. Follow my medium publication Ideal Design to follow along.

🤖 This report was generated in collaboration with Open AI’s Chat GPT and edited (by a human) for clarity.



Lily Kollé
Ideal Design

Creative Director. I write about minimalism, design, self-reliance, traveling and thinking differently.