5 Assumptions for a better “YOU”

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2019

1) No Such Thing As a Bad Intention

Although we will do some crazy things in life that we will never understand, it’s important for us to understand that there’s no such thing as a bad intention. You will always make the best choice you can, according to the information you have available to you at the time.
All our actions have at least one goal — to accomplish something that we value and that will benefit us. When we become aware that there’s a better choice of behavior that will also achieve our positive intention, we’ll take it.

2) The Past Doesn’t Equal The Future

People are scared of failure and this is the primary reason why they don’t go on to do the things they really want in life. In life, we’re basing every decision that we make on similar decisions we’ve made in the past and the consequent outcomes that we’ve experienced.
If we believe that our past equals our future, we’re going to expect similar results in our future to what we’ve experienced in the past. If we’ve experienced a lot of hurt or rejection in our past we are going to be less likely to go on and pursue our dreams, take risks and do the things we really want to do.

3) No One is Broken

No one is wrong or broken.
No one is a victim!
Many people believe that they are and this limiting belief is what holds them back and prevents them from doing the things they want to do in life.

4) Everything is Achievable

If one person can do something, it’s possible to model it and teach it to others. Therefore, everyone can learn to get better results in their own way. We all have the ability to do all things, all of the time. The only thing that’s holding us back from doing the things we really want to do in life, is the appropriate strategy. By eliciting the appropriate strategy, anything is achievable.

5) Empowerment Comes Via Responsibility

Many people live completely disempowered lives because they haven’t taken full responsibility for their lives. As mentioned previously, many individuals believe that they are ‘victims’ of the circumstances that life throws them.
Now, although bad things do happen in life, we always have a choice as to how we act and respond to our circumstances. By just realizing this and accepting this empowers you to develop an inner resilience so that you no longer allow circumstances to ‘crush’ you but instead push you through to achieve the things you really want in life.

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