About life, and how it usually works for all of us.

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2018

So, there’s a lot of questions thrown around recently to me. Vishal, what do you actually do? What’s your job profile? How do you make money? How can we do the same? Your work seems so easy.

So, starting from a point where I didn’t have a clue about my career I went to find out a path for myself. It was an interesting journey considering that I had nothing to lose then and had gone through multiple failures in life.

The hard choice was though that if I should continue being an average or just try to bend my attention towards my ambition and vision, towards what I really wanted to do!

I always wanted to talk to people and help them figure out a solution to their problems. But, my only blocker was “ME”. I had worked at multiple organizations both big and small and had led a team of over 35+ people. But what kept striking me always was if this is it? If my life’s gonna be just managing products and projects just to fulfill my basic needs of life.

Yes, I was one of them trying to survive life and rather not live it. But something changed recently that brought me to this decision on making sure that my successes and failures count. That if, only one person can learn out of my failures, then I would be making a difference. If only one person can relate to where I’ve been, then they would understand where they would need to be.

It was a hard choice ladies and gentlemen, trying to figure out the best for myself. And I want to tell you that you are not alone in this war of making a living. We all are stuck somewhere with our lives considering the past, present, and future that we’ve thought of or think about so far. We bleed on the misfortunes of the past and on the expectations of what's about to come and that our expected future holds for us. But in doing so, what we really forget is that we are currently living in present and nothing matters more than this moment right now.

It’s today that matters the most, while we sleep over yesterday’s and the tomorrow never comes.

I still recall, my choice of leaving my education as I didn’t believe it made much sense to what I really wanted to do with my life. I had joined a college far away from home in Tamilnadu which taught me ways of live a life. Most importantly, it taught me to fight for my dreams and vision. I completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering though after a tough fight for my place in the institution with the administration as I never really wanted to disappoint my parents.

So, now coming back to what I do. It’s difficult to state in a single sentence about my work but if done appropriately, I would say that I expertise in bringing ideas to reality. Yes, I’ve not been totally successful in doing so which has always left some of my questions unanswered and left me wondering if there is more to it. The best thing I would recommend you to do today is that:

“Be obsessed with your dreams and vision, as no one could do it better than you.”

If you want to be above average in life then obsession is a necessity. Without it, you are fighting a lost battle in life which makes no sense after all. I would continue on the next article on how my journey started but for now, I would like to conclude by saying:

“We always try to do our best, but we never really give our best to it. The BEST is still yet to come!”

So keep trying hard, and keep pushing even harder.

Feel free to connect with me if there is something that concerns you. I’ll be happy to help and I don’t bite either ;)

