From the shoes of the Dream Chasers.

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
1 min readDec 23, 2018

Before you can ever get to where you are going,
you have to decide to BEGIN.
You have to believe that what you are CHASING,
means more to you than what you are leaving far BEHIND.

And then begins the greatest adventure that you’ll ever experience.
Knowing that you’ve turned “someday” into “right now”.
That the road beneath you is waving you on,
the wind at your back, it pushes you forward.
There are no such guarantees in life.
But that just might be what makes it so incredible.

You’ll only go as far you allow your imagination to take you.
Whether it’s the end of your driveway, or where the sun and the ocean intersect.

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