Life: The Greatest of Teachers

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2019

On that long drive, in the middle of the night with headlights and endless road in front of me. Everything I saw in the rearview mirror, I learned the value of making a difficult decision.

During the times of disappointment, being let down by the ones I counted on, I believed in. I learned the importance of loyalty. The power of being there for those who mean the most to you.

Through the failures, the stress and the uncertainty I learned that life goes on! That when you allow yourself to fall, you build an immunity to the fear associated with hitting the ground.
You get back up STRONGER.

Through the heartbreak, the loss, the pain. I learned to appreciate every moment. To look around and not take any of this for granted. The will to recognize and appreciate the fragility of the present because, with the snap of a finger, life can change.

In the wake of past anger and conflict, I learned to pick my battles. That really, is it worth my time?
There are vantage points of how merely are our reflections of our backgrounds and understandings. And even the slightest effort to understand the person staring back at you can be the difference between building up and tearing down.

From being overlooked, disregarded, the smallest person in the room, I learned the value of true leadership.

The benefit of empowering those around you and making them feel appreciated! That walking alone may sometimes be necessary, but that building a vision that those around you believe in is unparalleled.

Life is a teacher and only through its toughest test, can its curriculum be understood, can it’s ideas and lessons can take shape.

What you need exists, so long as you open your eyes you will find an inevitable truth. That this universe, it wants you to win. It’s holding its handout providing you everything you need. Just understand, understand that the lows prepare you for the highs. The losses set up the games, the mistakes build a foundation for the greatest things you will ever do.

Life is a teacher, and should you listen. You’ll see that it has no bounds, no jurisdiction just the next CHAPTER.

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