To the ones still stuck in their 20’s.

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2018

In life, we make a lot of lines for ourselves that drives us towards what we do and what we don’t. It’s the line drawn to separate us from the imaginary and what’s possible. It keeps extending as we push our limits and make a new line for ourselves everytime we exceed or limitations or surprise ourselves of who we are. To how I see it is that,

“ If you believe that there is no gold under your feet, then you will never dig harder enough to find it.”

You will never know the true potential of your real self. You will never push yourself to the edge. You will never understand the true value of life.
They say heavy is the head that wears the crown. That with an ability to influence comes the burden. A worry that’s not really felt by the masses. The power something like this has its cost. And I can’t disagree. It’s massively important to understand our role in other’s life. And what we do and how we react to the situations or circumstances of life separates us from others.

Some build, others tear down.
Some take risks, others critique the risk takers.
Some pursue the infinite, others settle for the life of limitation.
Some goes all the way through, others give up to a tiny roadblock.
Some make change, others complain that things are no longer the same.
Some help people grow, others think that your loss is their gain.
Some learns from misfortunes, others get held down by it.
Some believe the idea of having patience, others are impatient enough to see things come through.
Some turns towards the fear and opportunity, others avoid the unknown.
Some never stop learning, others think that they have all the answers.
Some do, others talk.
Some give, others take.
Some live, others wish.
Some see an opportunity, others see an obligation.
Some fall and get back up, others stay where they are so that they never have to worry.
Some seek and discover, others wait for being told.

So which one are you? What will you do with the pieces presented to you?

When we are born, we usually have an empty canvas that we get so that we could draw our lives over it. Life is not perfect and the perfect moment never exists. The stars will never align. Your only requirement is to begin and stop looking success as a stranger. The excuses you make to yourself is the derivative of fear.

If you have never found it then you have not lost it yet either. And life is infinite. The higher you climb, the better the view. The longer the road the better the experience. It's time to stop separating what you’ve got with what you want. There’s no point stopping halfway when you know and understand the best for you. There’s a famous quote that says:

“If you do not see a solution, it doesn’t mean that there’s really isn’t one.”

In reality, people just wait for the perfect time and the perfect moment in their cloud of uncertainty and so it never arrives. We are all stuck somewhere that makes us believe that we are bigger than what we are currently destined to be just by what’s around us. The winners though pass through the chatters of failures and gossips and make sure they see the best come to them.

And to those still stuck, you need to find that inner voice that drives you toward the destination that you pave for yourself and not that the society or your family paves for you. So, for those who are in their 20’s, they certainly need to make sure that they are among the ones that builds, takes risks, learns from misfortunes and grows as they take life head-on.

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