When you are at “The Edge”

Vishal Tiwari
Ideal Talks
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2018

One of the most important realizations out there, you can say in life in general but certainly, in any situations, there is simply knowing that there are OPTIONS. There are always, always OPTIONS!

And that's in reference to that metaphorical edge or cliff that we all come up against every now and then. We’ve all been there, we’ve had enough mentally, physically exhausted and the deck seems to be stacked against us, and things feel hopeless, and the reason that this realization has been so valuable is, because it’s in these moments that the negative seems to wanna overshadow the opportunity.

Its all we see!


When you’ve taken loss, after loss, after loss. You know The brain does not tend to paint pictures of rainbows and butterflies. It does the opposite!
Creates a narrative of victimhood and a tragedy of acceptance.
It says that this is the reality, this is forever, and that’s why so many people let the past define who they are. And because it has rained for 6 weeks, you begin to anticipate rain. But, that’s why this little rule is so crucial.

It says, Hey Listen!

Take a step back and remember that you were the one pulling the strings, anytime things feel hopeless, its because you are not choosing to look at what matters. You’re seeing the bad stuff. The footsteps that brought to your predicament. But they are not you and they have very little to do with your ability to change. It wouldn’t be a false statement that the rest of your life starts right now, with the decisions you make here on. The truth is that now on you have to see that ocean of opportunity and not that bucket of water that you tripped over.

And I can speak from experience, I had projects fail, I had my startups and investments fall apart. Relationships come crashing down, all the above just like every single person alive. But what makes or breaks us is the ability to recognize our emotional state and understand that we are being irrational. We can decide to see the good.

Oh! your business idea was a disaster?

Fine! there are two things you can do :
1) you can say to yourself that you suck and you can dwell on it or
2) you can think about the experience, the relationships you built, the lessons you learned.

The wealthy, the successful and the people who lead, they take their downtimes and strive. And I’m not saying smile or whistle while things fall apart around you. But what I’m saying is that anything that falls apart can be rebuilt, recreated. so don't forget that!

Let’s stop limiting your perspective, a loss now is a future gain.
Ends are new beginnings!
Being scared means, trying something new!
Being embarrassed means you are learning!
Sure, on the surface these things look bad and sometimes very bad, but in the long run, they make you who you are!

#idealtalks #vt #edgeoflife

