Arem Kay
idealo Tech Blog
Published in
7 min readMar 25, 2024


Take Me to Your Leaders

Embracing Connection Before Strategy for Impactful Leadership.

xIn the bustling offices of HyperTechCompany & Innovations, where the sounds of typing keyboards intertwined with the chatter of colleagues, an unexpected visitor appeared. Solaras, an ambassador from the distant planet Harmonium, where leadership was seen as something truly special. An art form. A way of life.

Amidst the organized chaos of her workspace sat Alice, the dedicated team lead of HyperTechCompany & Innovations’ pioneering development team. Her focus was laser-sharp on the task at hand, navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancement with innovative thinking and strategic prowess. Known as the linchpin of the team’s success, Alice’s guidance was instrumental in driving progress forward.

As Solaras’ shimmering form materialized before her, Alice looked up from her screen with wide eyes, a mixture of surprise and intrigue coloring her expression. Despite the initial shock, she quickly felt a sense of calm wash over her in Solaras’ presence. There was something about the way Solaras carried themselves that made her feel at ease.

Approaching Alice with a friendly smile, Solaras asked a question that sounded important: “Do you know what ‘connection before strategy’ means?”

Alice, pausing from her work, furrowed her brow in thought. “Connection before strategy?” she repeated. “Well, I usually focus on finding solutions to problems and telling my team what needs to be done. That’s how I lead.”

But Solaras, with their unique insight, sensed that Alice might be missing something important. A missing piece in her leadership approach.

The Garden of Understanding

Solaras gently interjected, “Imagine your leadership role as a gardener growing a healthy garden. You spot problems and quickly come up with plans, like planting seeds. But without nurturing the soil of connection, your solutions might not grow well.”

Alice considered this, nodding slowly. “So, you’re saying that without strong connections in my team, our plans might not work as well?”

Solaras smiled, pleased that Alice was starting to understand. “Exactly. By focusing on building strong connections, your plans will have a better chance to succeed,” Solaras affirmed. “In fact, the very essence of your plans may stem from those connections. Like seeds planted in fertile soil, new ideas nurtured by genuine connection have the potential to grow stronger and more resilient.”

Alice hesitated, feeling a bit unsure. “But won’t spending time on connections slow us down? I mean, we need to get stuff done!” she exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice.

Solaras shook their head gently. “Think of it like this: just like a gardener needs to prepare the soil before planting seeds, you need to build connections before making plans. It’s about creating a good environment for success.”

Despite Solaras’ patient and coherent explanations, Alice struggled to grasp the concept of connection before strategy, her mind still tethered to traditional leadership paradigms. Thoughts of deadlines and the expectations from her own leaders weighed heavily on her mind. They wanted a solution, and they wanted it fast.

Symphony of Collaboration

Continuing the conversation, Solaras offered another analogy. “Consider your team akin to a symphony orchestra,” they proposed. “You, as the leader, act as the conductor, guiding them with your plans. However, if they’re not harmonized, if they lack connection, the music won’t resonate as it should, no matter the masterpiece of music you may have.”

Alice nodded, starting to see the connection. “So, by building connections among my team members, we can work together more smoothly, like musicians playing in harmony?” she pondered aloud.

“Yes,” Solaras affirmed with a gentle smile, “if you ensure that happens, you can play any piece of music with grace and precision. When everyone is working together, success becomes much easier to achieve.”

Alice’s confidence grew as she began to grasp the concept. “I see. So, by focusing on connections, I can help my team work together better and achieve our goals more effectively.”

Solaras nodded in agreement. “That’s right. By putting connection before strategy, you’ll create a stronger foundation for success.”

As Solaras continued to illustrate with vivid metaphors, Alice’s understanding began to dawn like the first light of a new day, illuminating the path towards embracing connection before strategy in her leadership approach.

Journey of Unity

As their conversation continued, Solaras shared one last metaphor. “Think of your leadership journey like a voyage into the unknown. Before setting sail with your plans, you need to make sure your crew, your team, is working together. It’s like making sure everyone knows which direction they are sailing in before you start your journey.”

Alice’s eyes lit up with understanding. “So, by focusing on unity and connection, we can navigate challenges together and reach our goals more effectively?”

Solaras smiled warmly. “Exactly. When your team is connected and united, there’s no limit to what you can achieve together. However, if this cohesion is lacking, no map or compass will help you reach your destination. Unity is the true north that guides us towards success.”

“Remember, Alice,” Solaras said, their voice resonating with cosmic clarity, “the strength of your connections will shape the destiny of your team.”

With those parting words, Solaras’ presence began to fade, leaving behind a lingering sense of possibility and purpose. Inspired by Solaras’ guidance, Alice took a deep breath, ready to apply the lessons she had learned.

Alice returned to her team with newfound inspiration. She embarked on a journey to prioritize building connections and fostering collaboration, but the transition proved challenging and far from seamless. Initially, her team struggled to adapt to her novel approach, finding it bewildering as if she were speaking an unfamiliar alien language. They yearned for the familiar comfort of straightforward directives.

One evening, as Alice gazed at the starlit sky, a shooting star streaked across, igniting a memory of Solaras’ wisdom. In that fleeting moment, her purpose and determination were reignited, glowing brighter than ever before.

Undeterred, Alice persisted in her commitment, unwavering even in the face of skepticism and resistance. Little did she know, her resolve would soon be tested when she encountered a situation that demanded the application of her newfound knowledge. One day, a project that had been floundering due to miscommunication and lack of cohesion provided the perfect opportunity. Instead of imposing her solutions, Alice gathered her team and facilitated an open dialogue. She encouraged everyone to share their perspectives, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration.

Through this approach, Alice unearthed the root causes of stagnation within the project. Like a gardener meticulously tending to a neglected garden, she unravelled the conflicting priorities, ambiguity in roles, and simmering interpersonal conflicts that had been hindering progress. Undeterred by the tangled mess, she nurtured the soil of understanding, planting seeds of collaboration and trust.

With newfound clarity and a shared sense of purpose, the team began to flourish, each member contributing their unique talents like instruments in an orchestra. Together, they composed innovative solutions, harmonizing their efforts to create a symphony of success. It was a journey of unity, where the ship of their collective endeavour sailed smoothly towards the horizon, guided by the compass of connection and fuelled by the winds of collaboration.

As time passed, Alice’s dedication to connection before strategy bore fruit. Communication improved, trust deepened, and the team became a well-oiled machine, tackling challenges with confidence and creativity.

Reflecting on her journey, Alice realized the profound impact of connection in leadership. It wasn’t just about issuing directives or devising plans; it was about building relationships, fostering trust, and empowering others to contribute their unique insights.

With Solaras’ guidance as a beacon, Alice embraced her role as a leader who valued connection first before jumping into strategy and solutions. And as her team flourished under this new approach, it became clear that she was indeed on the right path to becoming a more effective and impactful leader.

Now, as you reflect on Alice’s transformative journey, consider how you can apply the principle of connection before strategy in your own leadership endeavors. Take the time to cultivate relationships, foster trust, and empower your team members to contribute their ideas and perspectives.

Just as Solaras’ wisdom inspired Alice, perhaps an article or a piece of literature can ignite that same spark within you, urging you to embrace new approaches and step outside your comfort zone.

Remember, even if you connect with these ideas, true success can only happen when you put them into action. So go out there and be the inspiring leader you’re meant to be. Let connection lead the way to your success and the success of those around you.

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