Ideamotive Weekly Digest 1/2019— code, tech & startups

Michał Rejman
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2019

Happy New Year from Ideamoitve Team! 🎉 We start 2019 with yet another Ideamotive’s Weekly Digest — best collection of amazing content about coding, technology, and startups selected by our team. Without further ado — let’s dig in! 🚀

➡ 1. RUBY 2.6.0 RELEASED — we’ve been announcing this in our latest digest. What’s new? The most important novelty is an initial implementation of a JIT compiler. Ruby 2.6.0 also introduces an AbstractSyntaxTree module, performance improvements and whole bunch of new features. Make sure to check’em all: 👉

➡ 2. BEST PRACTICES IN NODE.JS — the constantly growing summary of Node.JS best practices, style guides, and architectural tips. Currently over 50 positions on the list! 👉

➡ 3. HACKER NEWS ACADEMY — a collection of best online courses recommended by @Hacker News users. Machine and deep learning, crypto, quantum mechanics and much more… 👉

➡ 4. AI TO DETECT ALZHEIMER’S 6 YEARS BEFORE DIAGNOSIS — Using a common type of brain scan, researchers programmed a machine-learning algorithm to diagnose early-stage Alzheimer’s disease about six years before a clinical diagnosis is made — potentially giving doctors a chance to intervene with treatment. 👉

➡ 5. BUILD YOUR FIRST APP WITH REACT NATIVE Learn how to build your first React Native app with important basic concepts and where to go from here. 2019 updated! 👉

➡ 6. THE 10 MOST INTRIGUING INVENTIONS OF 2018 ACCORDING TO MIT — From programmable pills, through power-generating boots to edible electronics. Researchers from MIT presents the best tech inventions of 2018. 👉

➡ 7. MICROSOFT CHANGES ITS DEV HIRING POLICIES — Microsoft totally changed how it does interviews in its developer division to make sure candidates have the actual skills to do the job. And “empathy” is one of the key characteristics that they are looking for. 👉

➡ 8. “ALGORITHMS” BY JEFF ERICKSON this book is getting more and more recognition among dev pros on HackerNews and Reddit. Authored by Jeff Erickson from the University of Illinois, it covers various aspects of creating algorithms and can be downloaded for free here 👉

➡ 9. HOW TO CREATE SNIPPETS FOR VS CODE — a great step-by-step guide on creating snippets. Make your coding easier! 👉

➡ 10. 10 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TRAPS What should you always have in mind while developing a product? Beware of these fallacies! 👉

