Ideamotive Weekly Digest 2/2019 — code, tech & startups

Michał Rejman
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2019

Happy Friday, everybody! Take a break from whatever you’re doing and check out our selection of the best content about coding, tech, and startups gathered by Ideamotive team last week.

We’re doing that so you don’t have to! ;)

➡ 1. FINALLY! UNLIMITED REPOSITORIES FOR FREE GITHUB USERS! This is probably the best news from last week. Github is giving users of its free plan access to unlimited private repositories. Note that it is limited to three collaborators apiece. So, while this might work for a small project, like Hackathons or your something you work on with your pals on the side, it still won’t be of much use for big commercial use (but we get it — they still need to earn somehow). Great news anyway, though! 👉

➡ 2. MAJOR PROGRAMMING TRENDS TO PREPARE FOR IN 2019 What are they? For example, Python catching up with Java or growing popularity of Go from Google. It’s worth checking out because these predictions are not based on wishes & guesses, but on the strong data. 👉

➡ 3. HOW TO BUILD A PRODUCT WITH 5K$/MONTH WORTH PASSIVE INCOME Passive income bringing product is a Holy Grail for many devs out there. Check out this amazing case-study from Michael Thomas, founder of SimpleData and CampfireLabs. 👉

➡ 4. TOP PDFs POSTED TO HACKER NEWS IN 2018 a great selection of over 500 publications, books, guidebooks and other super useful resources for developers collected on Hacker News in 2018. 👉

➡ 5. THE WIERD LAPTOP PATENT FROM DELL — Check out this new patent motion from Dell — a laptop with two detachable screens. It looks seriously weird and we’re still not sure what to make of it… Go home Dell, u drunk. 👉

➡ 6. IBM UNVEILS ITS FIRST COMMERCIAL QUANTUM COMPUTER — At CES, IBM announced its first commercial quantum computer for use outside of the lab. The 20-qubit system combines into a single package the quantum and classical computing parts it takes to use a machine like this for research and business applications. 👉

➡ 7. BRINGING MACHINE LEARNING TO RUBY TensorStream is an opensource pure ruby machine learning framework (with OpenCL support), with the goal of bringing AI and machine learning to ruby. We’re gonna be keeping eye on this project, and recommend you to do so as well! 👉

➡ 8. 8 PRODUCTIVITY TIPS FOR GITHUB — GitHub is built with some extremely helpful shortcuts and productivity-boosting features. Do you know them all? 👉

➡ 9. WHO’S REALLY BEHIND THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR FREE VPNs? You most likely use at least one VPN and the big chances are that it’s a free one. Do you know who probably owns them? Apparently, its… China. 👉

➡ 10. FBT HAS BEEN OPEN SOURCED — a framework used for React i18n in Facebook is now available in open source. 👉

